How do you work the kegels out

How do you work the kegels out

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you work the kegels out”,you can compare them.

Once you have located the muscles simply tighten and relax the mucsle over and over, about 200 times a day. These are basic MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you work the kegels out
Do kegels work?
kegels are very good and you should masterbate about an hour before having sex so you can last longer
How long does it take for kegels to work?
Good question. I have read that they do DEFINITLY work and that you and your partner will for sure feel a difference after 8 weeks. I never noticed anything, but to be honest I’ve never been very disciplined – I do a few here and there when…
What is karma sultra?and does it really work…what about kegels …?
Kama Sutra is an ancient art of maximizing the pleasure of sex. It may help you if you meditate on the ideas expressed by the photos and words in the book. Kegel exercises are for women.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do kegels really work to prevent pee accidents during/after pregnancy?
Q: I know that pregnant women are *supposed* to do their kegels so they won’t have as many pee accidents after pregnancy (or during it). But lots of women probably do the exercises and don’t really know if they worked or not. Did you do kegels while pregnant and do you really REALLY believe they helped?
A: Didn’t know anything about kegals then. However, I can tell you, now that I am older, that doing kegals does make a difference. It is extremely apparent if you cough a lot due to bronchitis or just a bad cold.
How long does it take for kegels to work?
Q: I do about 100 a day and I want to know how long will it take for me and my partner to feel the difference. Im a 20 year old female (if that makes a difference)
A: Good question. I have read that they do DEFINITLY work and that you and your partner will for sure feel a difference after 8 weeks. I never noticed anything, but to be honest I’ve never been very disciplined – I do a few here and there when I remember. The results will appear only if you are constant.
how long before PC muscle (kegels) start to work?
Q: How long do i have to do kegels until i feel a differene? and how much do i do a day , how long do i hold each squeeze.. etc.
A: You should do them at least once a day, twice if you can, for about 10 minutes. Hold the squeeze as long as you can, but make sure it is a good one. If you feel like the muscles are relaxing, take a second and start again.If you do them everyday, and correctly, you should start to see results in a month or so… sometimes sooner. Your partner is likely to notice the difference before you do though.There are also some kegel exercisers available if you want to get the most out of it. I have the Natural Contours Energie and I love it!

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