How many days a week should I lift weights

How many days a week should I lift weights

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Lift weights 3 days a week. Make sure, whatever you do, if you lift a day, take the next day off from lifting. Once you get advanced in weight lifting, you can lift every other day, as your body permits. Make sure you eat enough protein. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many days a week should I lift weights
How many days per week should I lift weights?
There are endless philosophies on how many days are best. I have witnessed so many people waste time in the gym or exercising because at some point in their life, they heard or read that a certain number of days per week is most effective. …
How long and how many days a week should I lift weights?
Wow fayt, finally somewhere I can help you. Uhm, I have weightlifting at school, I am 139 pounds and 5’7, I bench (these are my maximums ….. 1 rep) 205 pounds, I squat 300 on the dot, I also powerclean 185. Anyways, I’m strong for my size…
How many days a week should I work out / lift weights??
You can follow this routine for a while. When you get really used to it mix it up a bit with some new excercises. Make sure you have a good balanced diet as well. Any good fitness publication can give you some good direction depending on yo…

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How long and how many days a week should I lift weights?
Q: I recently got some free weights and I did my first session for about 45 minutes with varying weights on Saturday, October 4th and since then I’ve become incredibly sore. I just wanted to know how long I should lift weights for and how many days a week. Also I wanted to know how I could relieve sore. Oh and typically how long does it take to usually show results with free weights?I am 16 y/o if that helps at all.
A: Wow fayt, finally somewhere I can help you. Uhm, I have weightlifting at school, I am 139 pounds and 5’7, I bench (these are my maximums ….. 1 rep) 205 pounds, I squat 300 on the dot, I also powerclean 185. Anyways, I’m strong for my size, I reccomend if you have a bench and weights and all, figure out what your maximum weight is. When you do this work off of your maximum. i.e. on bench 10 reps of 50% of you max 1 time. then take about 3 or so mins to cooperate, maybe do some crunches. Then 1 set of 60% 8 reps. Then break, then 2 sets of 70% 5 reps, then 2 sets of 80% 2 reps. if your not exhausted then you can do 1 set at 90% 1 time. But I do not reccomend and heavy weight of any kind without someone there to spot you. Trust me, I’m a senior, and I have had weights every year of high school and u need a spotter or it can be ugly. You can do these kind of sets on all body workouts, and you can increase your breaks to about 5 mins, and maybe for every set you can through some weight on a curl bar and do it 5 times for every rep of whatever you are doing. Now as far as time periods, do not work the same muscle everyday, I would work my legs monday (squats) my chest, biceps, tricepts tuesday (bench) wednesday rest, or run or something, then thursday, maybe do reverse bench, which is benching with your haands the other way,, lol but you will definetly need a spot for this. The reason you dont want to work your muscles to hard or to much is because as you may know you have to let them rest and restore, because when u workout your break them down, if you workout to hard your actually doing more damage, so you have to let it rest and rebuild stronger. I really hope I helped, if you like any of this or even if I didnt answer your question email me and I will help you on anything else. I appreciate it man. Take it easy and good luck.
how many days a week should u lift weights in the off season?
Q: i just finished 9th grade season for football now me and some of the guys are hitting the weight room after school. How many days a week should we lift and do agility
A: Lift weights at school Monday, Wednesday and Fri. On the off days run, swim, bike…. Make Sunday and possibly another day during the week a rest day(s). Rest days are as important as workout days. The body needs time to heal.
How many days a week should I work out / lift weights?
Q: I am currently exercising and lifting weights 4 to 5 days a week but doing it 4 days in a row, breaking for 2 days and then starting back. My workout involves any 2 of the 3 following workouts: 30 minutes of “Total Body Sculpt”, jogging 2 to 3 miles, and doing 3 sets of curls & 3 sets of bench presses.
A: You can follow this routine for a while. When you get really used to it mix it up a bit with some new excercises. Make sure you have a good balanced diet as well. Any good fitness publication can give you some good direction depending on your goals.

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