How is most of the ATP from aerobic respiration produced

How is most of the ATP from aerobic respiration produced

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Aerobic respiration can use fatty acids from fat reserves in muscle and the body to produce ATP. ChaCha again soon!!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is most of the ATP from aerobic respiration produced
How is most of the ATP from aerobic respiration produced?
The majority of ATP is produced in the electron transport chain, which is the third and final stage of aerobic respiration following gylcolsis and the krebs cycle
Which produces atp molecules aerobic or aerobic respiration??
Both will produce ATP but aerobic respiration is much more efficient than anaerobic in terms of number of ATP produced per glucose metabolized.
What is the total amount of ATP molecules produced in Aerobic Res…?
38 ATP molecules are produced in total (after 2 complete cycles)

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A: B.Electron carriers take electrons to the ETC where ATP is produced through oxidative phosphorylation.

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