What is the fastest way to lose weight for a male

What is the fastest way to lose weight for a male

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The fastest way to lose weight is to cut 500 calories a day from your diet, lift weights and jog on alternating days, for six times a week. Keep ChaChaing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight-for-a-male ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to lose weight for a male
What’s the fastest way to lose weight for a 15 year old male??
Okay, so I am guilty of not reading everything, but, the South Beach Diet is easy, and if you stick to it, you can lose 7-15 in 2 weeks, and reach your goal weight in 6 months to a year. It’s also alot healthier than many other diets.
What is a fast way for a male teenager to lose weight??
Eat several (5-6) small portion meals a day, you will burn calories faster and build your metabolism in a short period of time. (eat about every 2 hours) You will lose an average of 2 – 3 lbs per week until you plateau to your ideal weight….
What is the quickest and easiest way to gain weight for a teen ma…?
I gained almost 40lbs in 2 years. I was 144 and now i’m 180lbs. I was very skinny all my life til I turned 18. I joined the military and then my weight shoot up. The key to it is eating at least three solid meals a day. I did lift weights f…

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What’s the fastest way to lose weight for a 15 year old male?
Q: Hey,I’m 14 years old, turning 15 August 2nd.I am 310 lbs, and I’m 6’4″.I want to know a good way to lose weight, without any weight programs, or things I have to buy.I play an online game that I CAN NOT quit.I can eat healthy, and work out, I KNOW THAT!But I want to know good ways that I can lose weight FAST.I want to get down to 250lbs before school starts. (Sept. 8th)I know that’s a lot of weight, but I still want to try!I feel terrible, I can’t take my shirt off, we just recently had a trip to Michigan Adventures, there are two parks, water and rides. I did not once step foot in the water area because I felt like people would make fun of me just for being there. I can barley fit on the rides now, obviously some of it has to do with my height, but most of it has to do with my weight. I’m still growing, (according to the doctor) and I don’t want it to affect me going on rides. Roller Coasters are my favorite things to go on and I want to ride them for 5 more years, instead of 1 more year because of weight.I am so self-conscious. I cannot go anywhere anymore without feeling that people are making fun of me. I’ve been fat my whole life, but I want it to change. I’m about to be a sophomore in High School.I want a girlfriend bad, but girls these days don’t date you for who you really are, they judge you based on looks. Please I need someones help, I want to know fast good ways to lose weight being…-I’m almost a 15 year old-Male-Needs time to play computer-Needs good ways to exercise-What foods should I eat?PLEASE SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!One more thing,I know it sounds silly but… :(I have really big boobs….. I know it sounds terrible and you will probably laugh when you read it…Will those go away if I lose weight?Another thing, I have Stretch marks like crazy,will those fade away?I know they won’t GO AWAY COMPLETELY, but will they fade?AND will I have excess skin?(I’ve said this before, but I need computer time, I will cut some of it out, but I need time to be on the computer)*I have a brand New bike, but take note that I live in the city, I’m not near any woods.
A: Okay, so I am guilty of not reading everything, but, the South Beach Diet is easy, and if you stick to it, you can lose 7-15 in 2 weeks, and reach your goal weight in 6 months to a year. It’s also alot healthier than many other diets.
How can a 16 year old male lose weight fast?
Q: Hey, I’m 16, about 6 feet tall, weigh about 175 pounds and im trying to lose weight. I’ve already lost 5 pounds, but i want to lose about 30 more. Are there any good ways to stick to working out and stay motivated? thanks
A: There’s no real way to lose weight fast. Stay active for at least 30 minutes a day and drink plenty of water ( 64oz a day, 8 cups basically). If you have a pet, you can take them out for a run or walk if you start geting lazy like I do sometimes. Make sure your choosing the right food to eat also. Maybe eat fruits and veggies over sweets and candies. If your involved in a school sport or just working out after school. you can lose about 5lbs a week and you’ll drop 30 in no time! Also check out some websites that can help w/ good food choices.Hope this helps!
how can a 17 year old male lose weight fast?
Q: i’m a 17 year old male.5 ‘10.208 lbs.anyone have any tips on how to lose body fat fast [safely]?i’d also like to build some muscle;although not too much.i only have two ten pound weights to work with, though.XDtry to be specific pleaseee.helpmehelpmehelpme. :T
A: well, i d say, workout the better version of what u really like. I like cereal with milk. When tryin 2 lose weight, I tried sugar free, low carb cereal with fat free milk/skim milk. Also switched bread from white to wheat. Cereal bars to rice cakes or protein bars. Sodas to water/no cal-no sugar juices, and also included atleast 8-10oz water intake with every meal/snack. I wud suggest healthy eatin all thru the day, not juz with snacks. If u r already doin it, gr8, keep at it. U ll c results in 2-3months. Do indulge urself with ice-cream, hamburger, etc. But try the smaller versions, like if u were upto eating a gigantic banana split, make it a single scoop instead, triple burger to double and then single. Skip the extra cheese on pizza and go with thin or pan crust. If u like milk shakes, go for the low fat yogurt, instead of icecream. If u go out for a big meal, promise urself u ll eat juz salad 4 ur next meal and stick to it. Dont starve urself, u ll lose the battle and eat more. Instead make healthy choices and you ll see results. Boy, once u c, u ll stick to losing weight. Well, thats what I did and it worked out great for me. I liked this sign, which I printed out and kept everywhere – NOTHING FEELS BETTER THAN BEING THIN FEELS. and that is sooo… true.Edit- Also workout, If doesnt sound good, then spend more time outdoors, now with summer and all, well, skip the car and go 4 a walk to the diner, if possible with friends… Make everythin seem fun, juz do adjustments… Put on Rambo movie and start workin out, well, Sylvester Stalone, sure wil help u get motivated… lol. Good luck

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