How long do you have to run to burn 1000 calories

How long do you have to run to burn 1000 calories

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Since 20 grams of carbs equals to 80 calories, you would need to jog at a pace of 8 miles per hour for 6 hours at the most. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do you have to run to burn 1000 calories
How many metres do you have to run to burn 1000 calories?
most people burn around 70-90 calories through running one mile. Depending on your fitness, 11-14 miles.
How many miles do you have to run to burn 1000 calories?
Depends on your weight, between 8 and 10 for most people.
How much should i run to burn 1000 calories in one day?
You burn most of your calories from doing your basic body function like breathing. It’s not worth obsessing about calories just exercise

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long do you have to run to burn 1000 calories?
A: theres a lot of variables, but a loose guess would be 3 – 5 hours.some of those variables will be your height and weight, the tempurature, how hard and fast you are running, what food you had eaten, and your metabolism.
intense 1 and a half hour workouts or close to it that burn 1000 calories? ?
Q: I’m a 95 pound female looking to burn 1000 calories a day working out but dont know what type of workout plans to implement. know that running about 12 miles a day does this but looking to take a break from this.. i am not doing this to lose weight but it is a requirement for a sport. i’m not one of those pyschos trying to lose weight i eat the right amount to be burning these calories but its training for sport and i have to start doing one day a week of burning 1000 calories and dont know any workouts to do this. any ideas of workouts to burn 1000 calories??? outside or inside??? and i need to be able to do them alone. i need workout plans. if you think its too much then what are workout plans that burn 500 calories. preferably shorter workout time rather than a long workout….
A: try zumba y loose up to 1000 cals an hour
Burning 1000 calories a day?
Q: 30 minutes running in the morning 400 calories30 minutes running after school 400 calories30 minutes walking on fullest incline 370 calories= 1000 caloriesdoes this sound good? How long until i see results of no body fat?
A: Well it sounds like a good idea, but can you commit to it? Give yourself reason to do each of those activities, like do them to your music or something at least, or bring along a camera and go for a nature walk. But there is one problem. Don’t have the goal of having no body fat, because it is impossible. Humans need body fat, for many reasons, partly to keep warm, and it’s just healthy to have some meat on those bones. You can not have a 0% body fat. Aim for 10% at the least, 15% at the most, if you are concerned about your body fat. Good luck to you, I need it too, winter’s taken a toll on me 🙁 I’m fat and stupid..

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