How many calories does running a 5k burn

How many calories does running a 5k burn

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories does running a 5k burn”,you can compare them.

THere may be an average, but this would depend greatly on your weight, speed, and whether or not you ate before or after. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does running a 5k burn
How many calories would i have roughly burnt off on a 5k run in 3…?
I actually just finished my first 5K run today and completed it in 26:30 minutes. I use a calorie counter and it said that I burnt about 458 calories. I am 180lbs.
How do I better my speed for a 5K run without burning out??
Running outside will definetely help out with your running ability. A treadmill puts strain on your shins and can cause different leg pains. Run outside and run hills, and run them fast. The whole key to running a fast 5k is not your speed,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

i ran 5k in 30 minutes, how many calories did i burn off?
Q: i weigh about 49 kilo and ran at an average of 8.6thanks for your help.
A: theres no way to know exactly. there are some online calculators, they will give you numbers between 250-300 calories. Speed doesn’t really matter as much as the distance does (but it does a little bit, there is an optimum “calorie burning speed,” but you weren’t going that fast).
I just ran a 5k in 24 minutes. how many calories did i burn?
Q: hm
A: I heard a professional marathon runner say that she burned only about 2500 calories in a marathon. My estimate is 200-400 calories for your run.
Is the 2000 calorie diet based on a regular day without exercise?
Q: and about how many calories does a 5k run burn?
A: The 2000 calorie diet is based on a 160 pound male of normal body compostion performing an average amount of walking. It depends a little bit on your weight, but say you weigh 160 pounds, you are going to burn about 14 calories per minute jogging(6 miles an hour) If you weight more, or go faster, the calorie burn is a 5 K under these conditions would burn roughly 430 calories.If you send me your weight, and how fast you go, I can give you a better estimate.Best of luck

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