How much should someone who is 5”5 weigh

How much should someone who is 5”5 weigh

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How much should someone who is 5”5 weigh”,you can compare them.

The average weight for the height 5’5″ is 128 pounds. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much should someone who is 5”5 weigh
How much should someone who is 5’2″ weigh?
weight is not nearly as important as body composition. Muscle weighs more than fat (and having more muscle is healthier than having fat), so you could theoretically weigh what seems too much for your height, but be VERY healthy if it is mos…
How much should someone who is 5’3 weigh?’3_weigh&src=rss0
For the first 5′, 100 pounds, and 5 pounds each inch over….so 115 pounds.
How much should someone that is 5’6 weigh?
It should not matter. Don’t try to obssess over your weight. If you feel you are not fat then weight should be the least of your concerns. Hope you’re not one of those girls who obssess over weight because of the media.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: I know there are some variables, such as my unique body type, but in general, what’s the established weight that doctors think is appropiate for my age, height, and gender.
A: I’m that height. 27 yrs old and weigh around 110 in summer and prob 115 in the winter. According to Dr. I’m a little under weight, but that’s just my natural size. Hope I helped some;)
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A: moles of gas = 2.75/22.4 = 0.123molecular weight = 5.39/0.123 = 43.8molecular weight of gases:N2O = 44.01NF3 = 71.00NO = 30.01N2 = 28.01I don’t think any answer is correct.
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Q: Am I out of proportion?
A: I know I don’t care whether they are or they aren’t.

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