Is it good for your fingers to be popped

Is it good for your fingers to be popped

Health related question in topics Fitness Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it good for your fingers to be popped”,you can compare them.

You are either pushing the joint back into or out of its normal position, which could be bad.ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it good for your fingers to be popped
My fingers make clicking and popping noises – is this good??
Yes. Clicking noises occur when the joint surfaces slide suddenly over one another.
Is ‘cracking or popping’ the fingers good warm up for piano playe…?
Cracking or popping you fingers does NOT lead to arthritis – it is merely the sound of air moving thru the synovial fluid in your joints. The best warm-ups are scales, arpeggios, and perhaps excerpts from Czerny or other short things you ha…
Are there any good videos that show how to pop back in a dislocat…?
There aren’t any videos because it’s not something you should do yourself. An untrained person trying to set a dislocation can cause further injury by trying to reduce (set) it. It can easily be the difference between the person wearing a s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s a good way to break the habit of popping your fingers??
Q: I’ve been popping my fingers for about 2 years now, and they are SSOOOOOOO chubby!!!!!!! HELP!!!!! please?
A: Wear a rubber band around your wrist. When you pop your fingers, pop that rubber band on your wrist so it hurts. Your brain will associate popping your fingers with pain, and you will eventually stop doing it.
What causes gas to form in your joints like in popping fingers?
Q: ‘Cuse I was having an intense melee match with my friend and my fingers were really warmed up, I was typing at least 10 more wpm than usual, but then I popped them, very relieving.So if “using” your fingers causes that, how exactly does it happen?
A: It’s just a natural build-up of nitrogin. It happens differently in everybody. Don’t worry, it does not cause arthritis. That’s something totally differant.
How do you pop all of your fingers at once?
Q: A while back one of my friends popped all of my fingers at once. I’m not quite sure how they did it, but he took both of my hands, lines my wrists up and ran them into each other, it somehow caused all of my fingers to pop at pretty much the same time. Is there a video on how to do this? No they didn’t pull on any of my fingers at all, just lined my hands up, bent my wrists down a little, spread them apart then ran the wrists into one another. Just wondering how to do it, thanks! [=
A: idk but that sounds like it would hurt. i can crack every part of my fingers but it took me a while cuz it hurt and now they dont but i dont think cracking yur fingers is healthy. just a thought. and i think they mite have videos on youtube or sumthin.

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