What is cardio exercising

What is cardio exercising

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Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise which means really any exercise that benefits the heart. This used to be mainly aerobic training but now research suggests that weight lifting also benefits the heart. Does this help? ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-cardio-exercising ]
More Answers to “What is cardio exercising
1. Running Running is one of best activities you can do. It doesn’t require special equipment (except some quality shoes) and you can do it anywhere. Best of all, you burn serious calories, especially if you add hills and sprints. A 145-lb …
Cardio is any exercise that gets your heart pumping substantially faster: walking briskly, swimming, running, cycling, climbing stairs. Techinically, if you’re out of weight, pretty much any exercise (even lifting weights) might make your h…
Cardio exercise is important for a healthy heart and weight loss. Cardio exercises begin with a warm up to gradually increase heart rate. Pace and intensity are increased your pace over time. Workouts end with a cool down to slow the heart …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you burn fat even if your doing cardio exercising?
Q: Like sit-ups, push-ups, weight lifting, squating, etc.?Also, can anyone tell me any good cardio exercices?Also, how do you loose fat in your face and neck?
A: you loose weight by excersicing and eating right. OF COURSE YOU CAN. But it’s also about building some muscle.
What is the importance of doing cardio before exercising?
Q: Ive been hearing alot that you must get “warmed up” before lifting weights. By getting warmed up i mean running, skipping… a cardio exercize. Why is this important? what exactly does it do to prep you for lifting weights?
A: I don’t really see a benefit of cardio before exercising. By doing that you exhaust your muscles and won’t have as much energy to push yourself during lifting. I like to do cardio after weights because I can get in a great workout and not be totally exhausted to lift.
What is the formula for maximum heart rate when doing cardio exercising.?
A: 220 minus your age =maximum heart rateWhen doing cardio, for best results exercise at 85% of your maximum HR for at least 30 minutes if possible. Three times a week for beginners then build up to five times a week with 2 days off.Maximum HR times .85 = 85% of your maximum heart rate- for people who are in shape.If you are not in shape start slow until you reach your 85%.

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