How to gain fast muscle

How to gain fast muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to gain fast muscle”,you can compare them.

Boost your caloric intake. Increase the amount of fiber and protein in your diet. Diet must be part of a proper training program! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to gain fast muscle
How to Gain Muscle Fast
・ 1 Get lean. If you want to gain muscle fast then you need to start out with a relatively low bodyfat… ・ 2 Eating is your job. Proper nutrition is the #1 factor in gaining muscle fast. This means eating every… ・ 3 Train heavy and often…
What is the Fastest Way to Gain Muscle?
You want to know what is the fastest way to gain muscle because you want get muscular quickly, right? You don’t want to be one of those guys you see who goes to the gym month after month, yet never improves at all. Some of these guys don’t…
Why Do you Want to Gain Muscle Fast
Lets face it ,for most of us guys there is one reason that compells us to workout and try to build lean muscle and lose body fat.To look good for the girls. We want to be able turn girls heads on the beach and make the dudes jealous when th…

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Q: I want to gain weight and gain muscle at the same time. I was just looking for some suggestions to do that fast. I have used protein and creatine in the past, i was just wondering what was the best way.
A: I took weight lifting classes, however, I am a girl. It’s a good way to get toned though and if you have a coach or a trainer they always get you pumped up about it.
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Q: I want to gain muscle fast on my thighs, but I don’t want to have to work out for months. I want an exercise I only have to do for about one month and it will help.
A: I have a trampoline at home and it really helps you build leg muscle. It is also fun.You have to do it for about an hour everyday. Another thing you could try is sitting up against the wall for about an hour. I was a catcher for many years and that is what we did to build up muscle on our legs. You could also try the duck walk. Which is basically walking in a catcher’s crouched position. Its pretty hard to do for a long time.
What is the easiest way for a skinny person to gain muscle fast and to see the results?
Q: Hi, I’m 14 and in 8th grade. I’m skinny only weighing about 105-110. I want to gain muscle fast and be able to see the results fast also. What is the easiest way? Please help me with some good answers thank you.
A: Hey im also 14 but im a little bit heavier im about 130 pounds. and THE BEST ways to gain muscle weight is to drink WHEY. it usually comes in flavores like Chocolate and you mix it like a shake. that and eat nuts but not too much cause they have lots of fat. PLUS go to the gym and lift weights.

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