How to get abs in a week

How to get abs in a week

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I’m afraid it’s not possible to develop that six-pack in a week, but you can get started with some reverse crunches. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to get abs in a week
How do i get abs in a week?
you probably cant. Abs are a combination of body fat below 10% and ab muscles. Depends on your starting point but muscle growth takes time and I would say you won’t get much change in 7 days.
How do I get abs in 2 weeks?
Hi friend first of all i will start from being honest though it is very difficult to get very good abs in just two weeks still you can loose considerable amount of fat and have muscular development in abdominal area in 2 weeks. Remember i a…
Is it possible for me to get a flat stomach and toned abs in a we…?
One week is too short a period but u can get feeling of well being if u Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. To have more satisfaction out of ur …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many times should i do abs a week?
Q: Currently i do abs twice a week with my legs one day and with Shoulders on an other day 3 days ApartPlus how many exercises should i do per muscle group when doing a 4-day split routine program
A: Abs are good to do twice a week, same with legs and shoulders, which would give you 3-4 workouts a week. As for reps that really depends on the exercise and what you want to get out of it. If you have more specifics I’d love to give you more information, send me an email.
How to get flat abs in one week?
Q: Okay, so I am having this party, and my crush is going to be there. I want to look really hot, so I want flat abs. I only have one week because the party it on May 22. Any ideas? I really need help!
A: OK – come on, really are you serious? I don’t believe anyone can ask this question honestly. You must be watching too many infomercials
If you work your abs 7 days a week with something like crunches & bicycle kicks, is that overworking the abs?
Q: How many days a week should the abs/ core be exercised?
A: I’ve gotten conflicting info on that. Some experts say it’s okay, some say as with any other muscle group you should not work it daily.I’d err on the side of caution and go for every other day. Your other muscle groups are supposed to have at least a day of rest…seems that would do well for abs also.

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