If you swim for a half hour how many calories do you burn

If you swim for a half hour how many calories do you burn

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “If you swim for a half hour how many calories do you burn”,you can compare them.

The amount of calories burned do any activity such as swimming, depends on your current weight. Let us know so we can answer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-swim-for-a-half-hour-how-many-calories-do-you-burn ]
More Answers to “If you swim for a half hour how many calories do you burn
How many calories do burn swimming for half an hour??
u will burn 500 calleries in 30 min. if u swim for 1 hour u will burn 1000
How many calories do i burn if I swim for an hour and a half??
for a 150 pound person you would burn about 430 calories. for someone who weighs less than that, the calories burnt would be less. for someone who weighs more, the calories would be greater. goodluck. =].
How many calories do you burn from an hour and a half of swimming…?
http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_bur… is a good calorie counter

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories do i burn if I swim for an hour and a half?
Q: I swam for an hour and a half this morning and i was wondering how many calories i burned
A: for a 150 pound person you would burn about 430 calories. for someone who weighs less than that, the calories burnt would be less. for someone who weighs more, the calories would be greater. goodluck. =].
how many calories do you burn from an hour and a half of swimming?
Q: im guessing like 700…..but im not sure
A: http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php is a good calorie counter
How many calories do i burn swimming?
Q: I swim about 4 times a week on a swim team for about2 and a half hours a day….. i push my self and do about 4500yards per workout a day. Ex. would be like 4×100 IM warmup.So how many calories do i burn a day swimming? Some one told me 3000 an hour lol.
A: for the average person swimming, the amount of calories burned is about 600 an hour. you probably burn way more that that per hour though, since your on a competitive team, and that calorie count is based on just laps back and forth in the pool. you probably burn around 1,000-1,500 calories per hour~lucky 🙂

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