How many calories do you lose when you jog a mile

How many calories do you lose when you jog a mile

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You burn about 100 calories per mile you jog. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories do you lose when you jog a mile
How many calories do you lose when you jog a mile at an average p…?
Don’t be so sensitive. This is Yahoo! Answers where you must have a thick skin. Now that you’ve made me a contact, I’ll see your questions. If I don’t answer, don’t be upset, just be patient. It’s pretty simple to find out how many calori…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories do you lose when you jog a mile at an average pace?
Q: Come on people will someone please answer this question. My almost 13yr. old son wanted to know. He is not overweight, but he jogs the track everyday at sch. and is trying to get physically in shape. He is at the age where these things are very important to him. He worded the question himself, and I’m hurt that no one has answered. So have a heart and answer this to the best of your ability. Thanks
A: Don’t be so sensitive. This is Yahoo! Answers where you must have a thick skin. Now that you’ve made me a contact, I’ll see your questions. If I don’t answer, don’t be upset, just be patient.It’s pretty simple to find out how many calories a person burns if you browse through the following site and look at some different foods, their caloric content, then the “exercise required” info next to the food info: expended vary according to weight and amount of work being done. That being said, the average person should be able to jog a mile in 10 to 15 minutes. (I walk a mile in just under 20 minutes). That would burn about 150 to 200 calories (or about three slices of bread).Please take note… if you are asking this and it is concerning losing weight, be advised that cutting calorie intake is vastly easier than burning extra calories by exercising. I’m not saying don’t exercise, I’m just saying that exercising by itself is not the answer. Without a balance diet to go with it, exercise won’t get you where you want to go necessarily. For more info on this, go through my previous answers in this category. I’ve answered these types of questions lots of times. Also there’s some weight loss info links in my profile.
I wanna lose weight but when i walk/run a mile i lose around 100 calories so to lose a pound i gotta go weeks?
Q: kinda confused i beilve theres 2000 calories in a pound but not sure.. when i jog a mile it says about 120 calories lost… so according to that i would have to run miles and milesssss to lose one pound or is there more to it?thanks!
A: For starters, it’s 3500 calories to a pound. However, what you’re not remembering is that your body burns calories just to stay alive. There are three main components to your overall metabolic rate:Resting Rate: The amount of calories your body needs just to perform normal bodily functions. This will account for the highest % of calories you burn throughout the day.Activity Rate: Calories you burn by doing everything from walking to the car to typing to digesting food. Basically, your activities exclusive of formal exercise. Typically accounts for the second largest number of calories.Exercise Calories: Calories you burn via formal exercise. Far and away the smallest of the three unless you are completely sedentary the rest of the day.Your best bet to take off two pounds a week is to try to estimate the amount of calories your body needs (BMR calculator) and then cut this amount by 500. This, combined with exercise and your activity should account for a daily deficit of about 1K calories (or 2lbs a week). Also, if you have access to strength training equipment, start lifting weights. This will increase your muscle mass which increases the amount of calories you burn at a resting rate. Good luck.
How many calories do I burn from a two mile jog?
Q: I jog two miles every night, now I wanted to know how many calories i’m burning, i’ve lost 103LB total ( from dieting/jogging/sports not jogging alone ) Now I weigh 177 I want to know how many calories I burn each night from a two mile jog, I don’t stop at all untill the jog is finished.
A: if you run at 8 mph, it will be 16 minutes. Each hour at 8 mph is roughly 950 calories. Therefore (16/60) X 950= 253 calories burned. I would recommend you jog in the early A.M. instead of at night. When you wake up and run, you are burning the fat since you have no food in your stomach. When you run at night, you are burning the food you ate at dinner. Also start weight training as well or else a significant amount of the weight you lose will be upper body muscle, because the body prefers to burn muscle as energy instead of fat because not only is it as useful as an energy, but it also takes calories to maintain your muscles. If you are not weightlifting, your body will catabolize your upper body muscles so that the weight on your legs is less burdensome as you are running.

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