Is popping your fingers bad

Is popping your fingers bad

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Cracking your knuckles may not cause arthritis but researchers believe that habitual cracking could create some problems later on. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is popping your fingers bad
Is cracking your knuckles bad?
No you will not develop calcium deposits by cracking your knuckles. You are merely releasing lactic acid in the joints when you “pop” your knuckles.
Is cracking your fingers bad?
not really good to do that, becuase it wears out the cartilage. no cartilage pain in hands when u are older aka arthiritis
What does cracking your knuckles do?
A rumor is that cracking knuckles can give people arthritis later in their years. But this is not true.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is popping your fingers bad for your bones?
Q: I always pop my bones in my fingers and i want to know if i should stop.
A: you actually start to prematurly wear the joints of the fingers and the tendons and legiments in your hands. You could also open the door for premature authoritis in your hands which is very painful. Plus your hands will be deformed… your fingers and the shape of the hand, over time, will start to look wierd… happened to both my siblings.
Is popping your fingers and toes bad for you?
Q: My husband is always aggravating me and my kids by holding us down and popping our toes. I’ve always heard that popping and cracking your fingers and/or toes will cause arthritis. I don’t want my kids to have arthritis when they get older because of his need to pop everything. If there is a medical specialist of some sort on here, I’d appreciate your input. Thank you very much!
A: Absolutely does not cause arthritis. I’ve asked a number of orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors and all have said it’s a myth.
Is it bad to “pop” or “crack” your fingers often? why does it make a noise?
Q: every now and then my hand will crap up when i am typing or writing, so what i do is i grab one of my fingers and i pull until i hear a pop noise, this is sometimes called “cracking your knuckles” or “popping your fingers.”is this bad to do all the time?why does it make a weird pop noise?
A: It is bad to do this yes!The popping is not really your bones ‘cracking’ but just hitting off one another.This can seriously lead to arthritus in later life. Your better off stopping now because some people find it impossible to stop if they’ve been doing it for a while!Plus it makes your fingers grow all crooked too!EDIT – Okay, since seeing your q yesterday i actually researched it alot because it was annoying me!Turns out the popping you hear is because some peoples knuckle joins dont fit exactly so these people sometimes feel the need to ‘crack’ them to move them. The connection with arthritus is that people with these types of joints are more likely to get arthritus in later life. Ya get me?!Other people like me cant even crack my knuckles so i would be of lesser risk to arthritus than someone who can and does crack. It does make your fingers quite crooked though!Hope i helped!

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