Is weighing yourself in the morning the most accurate

Is weighing yourself in the morning the most accurate

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Weighing yourself first thing in the morning is usually best. Because of variations in food and fluid consumption, we often “gain” different amounts of weight throughout the day. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is weighing yourself in the morning the most accurate
Is weighing yourself in the morning with just underwear accurate??
It’s natural for your weight to vary throughout the day. As long as you are consistent in what time and where (i.e., using the same scale) you weigh yourself, you should be able to consider it accurate. Also, when you are fully dressed it i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is weighing yourself in the morning with just underwear accurate?
Q: In the question.
A: It’s natural for your weight to vary throughout the day. As long as you are consistent in what time and where (i.e., using the same scale) you weigh yourself, you should be able to consider it accurate. Also, when you are fully dressed it is usually advisable to deduct 1-2 lbs (depending on what you are wearing) to get a more accurate weight.
Does it make a difference if you weigh yourself in the morning and at night?
Q: I weighed myself in the morning and then at night and I was lighter in the morning. Is this because of the fluid and food intake during the day?Is it more accurate to weigh yourself in the morning?
A: Yes, due to what you mentioned. The number will tend to be higher at night than first thing in the morning. However if you are wanting to track weight loss or gain, the key is simply to weigh about the same time each day.I always weigh first thing in the morning…if I weigh again later in the day I may be the same or higher, but rarely less (unless I’ve had a lot of water weight loss).Food intake, fluid intake, clothing, etc during the day can effect your weight. First thing in the morning, nude, after I pee is when I know I’ll get the lowest number I’m going to get, that is realistically accurate.
What is the most accurate time of day to weigh yourself?
Q: Ive heard that you shouldnt weigh in first thing in the morning, after exercise, after a meal etc. So when do you weigh in?
A: The most accurate is probably the morning since what you eat and drink varies each day, and varies your weight each day. Also water retention and other things.But, if you are trying to lose weight and are keeping track I think the most important thing is doing it the same time each day and wearing nothing on the scale. I like to weigh myself everyday in the morning but keep track of the lowest weight of the week. That works pretty well.

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