What are quick ways to get ABS

What are quick ways to get ABS

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If you want to get abs fast, I’d skip the crunches and work toward exercises that tone the core. Need more help? Ask ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-quick-ways-to-get-abs ]
More Answers to “What are quick ways to get ABS
What are some quick easy ways to get abs?
the thing is to achieve a nice, hard & good looking abs… you need to focus on three areas of your lifestyle. diet, exercise & rest. diet would mean eating less of the carbs & increasing your protein intake. exercise, crunches …
What Are Some Quick Ways To Get Flat Abs?
Aerobics- this will blast the fat that is covering the muscles in your abs. You can do situps until the cows come home, but it won’t matter if there is fat over the muscle.
How To Get Quick Abs – Surefire Ways to Get Quick Abs [Health-and…?
Discover how to get quick abs with 2 simple ways to reduce body fat and staying slim. It has nothing to do wit crunches or sit-ups, in fact these are the two most overlooked tips on how to get quick abs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Are Some Quick Ways To Get Flat Abs?
Q: What are some fast ways to get flat abs? It doesn’t matter if you mention sports or just quick exercises. Either of those or more is fine. And try to mention as many ways as possible. Also, what are some good sports or exercises for your all around body? It would be great if you could list some good exercise dvds. Thanks!I’m not overweight, I just want to lose some around my abs.
A: Aerobics- this will blast the fat that is covering the muscles in your abs. You can do situps until the cows come home, but it won’t matter if there is fat over the muscle.
wat are some easy and quick ways to make my abs look more defined for a picture?
Q: i need to take a picture of myself with my abs but i want to make my abs look more defined, what are easy and quick ways to make them look more defined? someone said to shower in cold water, someone said to dehydrate urself, what ways do u say to do it?
A: photoshop
what are some quick easy ways to get abs?
Q: i wants some nice hard good looking abs, but i want it to be some what quick. o, and i would love links if possible
A: the thing is to achieve a nice, hard & good looking abs… you need to focus on three areas of your lifestyle. diet, exercise & rest. diet would mean eating less of the carbs & increasing your protein intake. exercise, crunches 3 times a week while also doin some cardiovascular exercises alternately. rest, your muscles recover during rest. that is the time where your muscles recruit more muscle fibers – to grow. hope this works for you. the truth is there are no instant shortcuts to a achieving a healthy physique.

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