What are some Kegel exercises I could do

What are some Kegel exercises I could do

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Here’s how to do Kegel exercises: * When you’re peeing, clench (without your hands) your muscles to stop the flow of urine MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-kegel-exercises-i-could-do ]
More Answers to “What are some Kegel exercises I could do
How do I do Kegel exercises?
You can feel the muscles to use by squeezing the muscles in your genital area. You might find that it helps to pretend you are stopping a flow of urine or trying to stop from passing gas. Tighten these muscles and hold the contraction for 4…
What are Kegel exercises? How do I do them?
The floor of a woman’s pelvis contains muscles surrounding the openings of the urethra, vagina and rectum. The muscles can weaken from age, obesity and childbirth, leading to urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises strengthen them, thereby im…
I have heard a lot about Kegel exercises. What are they?
Kegels are exercises that target the pelvic floor muscles, which support the pelvic organs. These muscles are fundamental to sexual functioning as well as proper functioning of the bowels and bladder. Watch the bonus segment in the DVD to f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Are Some Good Kegel Exercises ?
Q: I have read that kegel exercises are supposed to really help with preparing you for labor. Is this true? What are some good kegel exercises to practice? Also when is the best time to start them? I am currently 33 weeks.
A: Theres only one way to correctly do kegelshttp://www.childbirth.org/articles/kegel.htmlAnd its never to early to start when pregnant esp.
What are some good kegel exercises I can do daily?
Q: I have trouble achieving orgasm through intercourse alone, and I’ve heard kegel exercises will help.
A: If you hit a red light in traffic, hold your “self” in. Squeeze and tighten for the entire duration of the red light. After a while of these exercises, you should notice a difference. And the nice thing is you can exercise any time you want, and no one will ever know! Good luck
what are some really effective kegel exercises?
Q: trying to tighten my vagina.
A: Tifa is correct.You are working a muscle down there so regular exercise makes it better.- Stop/start your urine 3 times each time you go- Try contracting the area 10 times every time you hear a phone ring.In truth – clenching is not a Kegle. The right way to do it is like this:Imagine you are laying back. You have a soda straw sticking out your vagina. You try and contract the FRONT muscles to make the soda straw tilt upwards.Sounds simple – but it’s a bit different from just clenching everything.Try to do this a few times each day and 1-3 weeks will make you a lot tighter and you wont leak as much if you sneeze or cough. (this is another good side effect of kegle exercises – bladder control.)

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