What is the average normal cholesterol level

What is the average normal cholesterol level

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A desirable total cholesterol level is 200 mg/dL or lower. A desirable LDL is 100 mg/dL HDL, the “good cholesterol,” should be around 40 mg/dL or greater. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-normal-cholesterol-level ]
More Answers to “What is the average normal cholesterol level
What are normal cholesterol levels?
A normal total cholesterol level is less than 200. A normal LDL level is less than 130. A normal HDL level is higher than 35. A high HDL level is better. An HDL level higher than 60 is the best. HDL is called the “good” cholestero…
What is a “normal” cholesterol level?
Total cholesterol should be <5mmol/l. The full lipid profile should always be taken into consideration though, it’s important to consider the relative amounts of HDL and LDL . One needs to aim for a high level of HDL and a low level of L…
Is this a normal cholesterol level for my age?
160 is golden. The target for cholesterol is lower than 200; at 200-240 it becomes a little worrisome and above 240 it becomes alarming.

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High cholesterol level?
Q: I did a complete blood test, and everything came up normal except for a high(er) than average (6.9) cholesterol level (average being between 3.00 and 5.2)The doctor prescribed 2 Lipanthyl capsules for an entire month and then advised that I should take another test thereafter.I am kind of hesitant to take any medicine, particularly because there seems to be some serious side effects.Should I just lower my carbs intake or go ahead and take this medicine?Anyone been there or know or someone who had been there and was taking this drug. plz answer as to the cons and pros to being on it.
A: it is a high reading so take the tablets for a month and combine it by not eating any animal fats grilling ,oven bake steaming all your food trim all fat off first, no frying unless in olive oil, eat plenty of veg and fruit drink plenty of water, and you must take regular exercise at least 40 minutes a day
what is the average LEVELS ( numbers) for BOTH Blood Sugar & Cholesterol?
Q: My husband and I went to a Health Fair today. It was very nice because all who go received a lot of valuable information and even free tests.I demanded that my husband and I to take the free BLOOD SUGAR TEST as well as the CHOLESTEROL TEST? …..I was scared for the results but faced my fears anyways.We had just ate maybe 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours prior but wanted to take a random test to check our levels.I was told I had great levels where as my husband was told he was borderline. I wanted to make sure of this by asking those here on Yahoo in the hopes of MANY REAL ANSWERS!I always like to double check on results because I never want to get my hopes up. Regardless my husband and I need to seriously lose weight and have been slowly and today, we found out where we are on our health (levels).Here is the INFO: My husband will be 40 years old in December and here are HIS numbers:RANDOM BLOOD SUGAR (GLUCOSE) : 128CHOLESTEROL: 254HERE ARE MINE……….. ( AGE 27 IN ONE WEEK):RANDOM BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS (GLUCOSE): 83…..YES 83 ( I was shocked as hell)CHOLESTEROL: 161……this one I am not sure of….High or low???PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OR KNOW WHAT IS NORMAL AND WHAT IS HIGH …..PLEASE REFRAIN FROM RUDE REMARKS…*****EASY 10 POINTS****IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL INFO, PLEASE ADVISE !THANKS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!
A: Per most guidelines today, cholesterols should be under 200; a bit depends on the other levels such as HDL, LDL levels; but total cholesterol around 200. Blood sugar should be under 100-110 (greater than 110 +/- is considered diabetic). BUT, in order to be more specific, they must be fasting levels, So you are fine ( 😉 ) but your husband should be re-tested when he is fasting. Then decisions can be made. You stated you are trying to lose wt and wt loss could certainly bring your husband’s down to better levels. Good luck
Why is having high cholesterol bad?
Q: I was just at my doctor and was told I have high cholesterol after getting my blood work results back. I didn’t have much time to go into detail with my doc on the factors associating with that. The normal average healthy range is 100 and below. I’m at 130 in cholesterol level. So, why is it bad to have high cholesterol? I was told to eat more high fiber foods which will help and to make sure what I am eating does not have any cholesterol. What risk factors come with high cholesterol? Also, I only eat twice a day and so are there any supplemental vitamins to take?
A: Your body needs very little cholesterol, and the cholesterol that cannot be put to good use is taken up by your immune system (white blood cells). These white blood cells become bloated, and deposit on the walls of your arteries, forming plaques, and contributing to arterial blockages, high blood pressure, and heart disease.The fiber will help because it is non-digestible, and has some similar chemical characteristics as cholesterol. These similar characteristics allow you to poo out the cholesterol instead of absorbing it.As far as supplements go, there is always a debate going about whether they help. I say that if you have a low-nutrient diet, taking a multi-vitamin can’t hurt.I hope that helps!

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