What is the average weight for a 16 year old girl who is 5’4

What is the average weight for a 16 year old girl who is 5’4

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average weight for a 16 year old girl who is 5’4”,you can compare them.

If you have a small frame, the average weight is 120-132; medium frame, it’s 130-143; large frame: 140-154; ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-for-a-16-year-old-girl-who-is-5%274 ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight for a 16 year old girl who is 5’4
What is the average weight of a 16-year-old?
・ I believe it is 100-130 pounds. ・ Weight is worked out on height not age. ・ There is no ‘average’ weight for a 16-year-old because weight is related to height and body composition. …
What is the average weight of a 5′ 4 16-year-old girl??
110 ~ 125, give or take a few pounds.
What is the average weight for 5′ 5 women?
There is no set answer. Body weight is a misleading measure. Since people have different builds, different people of the same height and sex can have the same percentage of body fat and yet have different body weights. Therefore, what is im…

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