What is the best exercise for the obliques

What is the best exercise for the obliques

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best exercise for the obliques”,you can compare them.

Best exercises for obliques are side bridge, exercise ball obliques twist, Cable side bends, and Dumb bell side bends. Thank you! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-for-the-obliques ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise for the obliques
What is the best exercise for your obliques?
How do I lose fat in x area? What are some good exercises to lose manboobs/love handles? What kind of workout should I do to lose fat on my stomach? ANSWER: DO NOT ASK THESE QUESTIONS. Imagine this in your mind. You are on a boat, in the…
What is the best exercise to build your obliques?
My answer is the same as the one I gave when you asked a similar question.
What exercises are good for Obliques?
this website gives you all you need to know.. and it’s illustrated! http://www.sixpacknow.com/obliqueexercis…

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Q: I’m trying to get some lose some fat and gain some muscle in those areas. What exercises are the best, I usually do crunches on an exercise ball or situps on an inclined plane.
A: Bicycle crunches are SO good for your obliques. http://www.criticalbench.com/exercises/bicycle-crunch.htm
What’s the best exercise to lose FAT from your OBLIQUES??
Q: Dont say oblique crunches because those build your oblique muscles but they dont burn fat… i do running and cardio and stuff but i’m specifically trying to lose fat from my obliques. if there’s a video online i can watch for free that’d be great but if not then just explain the exercise please. thanks! 🙂
A: go to youtube and type in burn fat from obliques. im sure something will come up.
What is the best exercise for your obliques?
A: How do I lose fat in x area?What are some good exercises to lose manboobs/love handles?What kind of workout should I do to lose fat on my stomach?ANSWER: DO NOT ASK THESE QUESTIONS.Imagine this in your mind. You are on a boat, in the middle of a lake. You have a bucket. You fill your bucket with water from the lake.When you removed the water.. did you leave a hole in the lake, where that water used to be? Or was the quantity of water in the entire lake reduced all at once?THAT is how fat in the human body works. It all burns at once, or not at all. You cannot pick and choose WHERE to burn fat.How do I lose fat in x area?What are some good exercises to lose manboobs/love handles?What kind of workout should I do to lose fat on my stomach?ANSWER: DO NOT ASK THESE QUESTIONS.Imagine this in your mind. You are on a boat, in the middle of a lake. You have a bucket. You fill your bucket with water from the lake.When you removed the water.. did you leave a hole in the lake, where that water used to be? Or was the quantity of water in the entire lake reduced all at once?THAT is how fat in the human body works. It all burns at once, or not at all. You cannot pick and choose WHERE to burn fat. http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=98420.html Go to web site and be enlightened

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