What are phalanges

What are phalanges

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Any of the bones in the fingers and toes. In humans, there are 14 phalanges in each hand and foot. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-phalanges ]
More Answers to “What are phalanges
What are falanges?
another name for a person with 6 fingers another name for a person with 6 fingers
How many phalanges are in a human body?
there are fourteen in each hand and fourteen in each foot so 56 in total.
How many phalanges are in the foot?
There are 14 in each foot. There are 2 in each big toe, and 3 in each of the other toes. The phalanges are the bones in the toes (on the foot), and bones in the fingers (on the hand). There are also 14 phalanges in each hand, 2 in each thum…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a name for the parts of your fingers where the proximal phalanges are?
Q: I’m not taking about the bones, I mean skin and all.
A: Gray’s Anatomy: Handhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wrist_and_hand_deeper_palmar_dissection-en.svg
Why are my phalanges fused together?
Q: Two of my phalanges are fused together. It is in the fourth toe of my left foot. The distal phalanx and the intermediate phalanx.What are the possible explanations for this?Is it common?
A: you mean there isn’t any crease there? well, that’s weird then.but i understand what you mean. i left hand’s head and heart line fuses together too and it bothers me too, sometimes. well, personally i recommend you finding a book, a cheap – moderate one and look up on it. or search it in the internet, you’re bound to find something.i brought a book myself, about palmistry and actually found out a name for my weird palm. i guess you could search it up Somewhere. or see a palmist and ask if he or she would look at your toe.and er, this isn’t really the best category to ask such a question. but again, no where here is really a good place. some people find it quite ridiculous to worry about the patterns on your skin, especially skeptical ones.
What’s the most exotic place you’ve ever inserted your phalanges?
A: Rapidly moving lawnmower blades.

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