What is the world record for bench pressing

What is the world record for bench pressing

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports Olympics .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the world record for bench pressing”,you can compare them.

The world record for bench pressing is 860 pounds! Wow! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-world-record-for-bench-pressing ]
More Answers to “What is the world record for bench pressing
Does your bench-pressing world record still hold?
Yeah, as far as I know, it’s still in place. I don’t know that much about it. My dad knows all about that stuff.
What is world record bench press?
600 lbs Enjoy WRONG-the world record for a RAW bench press is 715 pounds, and with a bench shirt device, over 1000. Enjoy that.
Can someone tell me the world bench record for the state of MO un…?
this is for 165 lb class…pretty low numbers, but all probably done with a shirt WABDL federation open and junior men record is the same – 350 lbs http://www.wabdl.org/missouri_bench_…0Bench%20Press USAPL federation 3-lift – junior men -…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the official world record for Bench Pressing? How heavy? Who lifted it?
A: Gene Rychlak set a world record of 1010lbs or a massive 72 stone!!!
What is the bench press world record for Men and Women respectively?
A: Ryan Kennelly holds the mens record at 1070lbAmanda Harris has the womens record at 187.6lb
what is the world record bench press?
A: I think Gene Bell holds it with a 514lb bench press.

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