What stretches can I do to become a better dancer

What stretches can I do to become a better dancer

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “What stretches can I do to become a better dancer”,you can compare them.

Stretches for dancing: Warm up by doing a three minute series of jumping jacks, push ups, crunches & jump rope movements…More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-stretches-can-i-do-to-become-a-better-dancer ]
More Answers to “What stretches can I do to become a better dancer
What are good stretches for dancers to do while on summer break, …?
start sitting in a V sit… stretch to the right for 8 counts, to the left for 8, and center for 8. then, pike… lean down for 8 counts toes pointed, 8 counts toes flexed then stretch further down for 8 toes pointed roll ankles and wrists….
What are some good stretches for dancers?
Pilates is also good exercises for dancers. Helps increase flexibility and strength without getting that overly muscled look.
What’s a good stretching routine for a dancer?
I am a dancer, a yoga teacher, and a massage therapist. I have integrated these disciplines into my yoga classes. In my yoga classes, I have developed the following warmup routine. Note: I have used Sanskrit terms to describe yoga asanas. Y…

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A: stretch really well when you get out of the shower, your bones are warm and tend to stretch farther. also sit in the splits a few times a day with your front foot on a pillow to over extend your split to make your leaps really pop! dancers should stretch 2 to 3 times a day to make sure you stay really flexible.
Any Advice on how I can become a better dancer ?
Q: I just started dancing last year in Jazz and this year I started ballet. Are there some things I can do to be better so I can move up in class. I’m stretching everyday and practicing the moves but is there anything else that might speed things up ?
A: One thing that helped me was the little things that REALLY shows your improvement in dance. Like, whenever you can, practice pointing your foot! No matter what, point it as hard as it can go, and then flex it for a couple of seconds, then relax it and do the same with other foot. Repeat it at least 10 times a day.Try and get in shape, like, 20 minutes a day do some cardio (jump rope, running, jumping jacks, running up and down stairs, areobics ECT). It will be hard at first, but will get easier every day, and once you can do a full 20 minutes without feeling pain in your side or breathing too hard, step up to 25 minutes, and so on to 30 and 35. Once you get to 45, stop and just do 45 every day. TOO MUCH EXERCISE WILL JUST HURT YOU.Also, before class, rehearsal and performance, eat a little healthy snack. Even if you’re not really hungry, you may be when you get there, so eat an apple, celery and peanut butter, small bowl of pasta, yogurt. Just something that can give you not empty calories, like candy bars or cookies or potato chips.I don’t know if it’ll speed things up, but it will DEFINITALLY help!!
tips to become a better dancer??
Q: i am 12 years old and i do ballet tap jazz and hip hop. is there anything i can do to help me become a better dancer? i have my right split and sometimes my left and im close on my middle are there any other stretches i can do??? also im trying to get a double piroutee how can i mkae my core stronger???? cause i tend to lean back alot then i lose my balance. and anything else you would liek to say about dance tell me!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!! : )
A: Just make sure that you always practice! Practice makes perfect! But as far as making your core stronger. Do lots and lots of crunches! Also you can do planks. A plank is where you are almost in a push up position but instead of being on your hands you do it on your forearms. They hurt like CRAZY but they will help! ha ha ha. See if you can hold it a minute. Also try to get that left split. Do your left split everyday and hold it until you get it. Also make sure you point your feet! A good exercise for that is having someone press down on your feet and make them point. Then they push against your feet and make you flex. Good luck and hope that helped some! 🙂

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