Which is more beneficial running or walking

Which is more beneficial running or walking

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is more beneficial running or walking”,you can compare them.

Both offer health benefits from half-hour workouts. If your goal is weight loss, running is a more efficient way to burn calories. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-more-beneficial-running-or-walking ]
More Answers to “Which is more beneficial running or walking
Why is running or walking beneficial to the cardiovascular system…?
Exercise increases cardiac output, which in turn strengthens the heart. Since the muscles of the legs are the biggest ones you have, then exercises using the legs are efficient at increasing cardiac output. But running is high impact and is…
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Walking offers some of the same benefits that running does. For instance, walking is beneficial in the following: it decreases blood pressure, risk of coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, body fat, risk of colon cancer, mortality rate,…
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Same benefits- to an extent- walking is lower stress and it burns fat efficiently compared to running that will burn calories but will also up your heart rate, putting you out of the fat burning zone and into the cardio zone. If running hur…

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Q: I there an advantage to running as opposed to walking? I am 44 years old and want to do the one version that will provide the best results (cardio, weight loss)
A: Walking is actually better. It is not as destructive on your system and seeing how you walk all the time anyway, you are less likely to injure yourself.Add weight lifting to your routine. That will help with weight loss 24/7 because it will speed up your metabolism. Make sure you have proper form.
Is walking for an hour just as beneficial for weight loss as running for half hour is?
Q: I hate running and I’m trying to find a way to get out of it, but I’m really trying to lose some weight. Is walking at a fast past for an hour just as good?I can run. I just hate it. I have tried for years and done races and I have not been able to get addicted to it. I could go out and run 5km easy right now. Plus, now that it’s cold, I find it hard on my voice, and I’m a singer.
A: Running for half an hour is more effective.
Which is more beneficial ?
Q: Which is more beneficial to a person who is trying to lose weight walking or running?I have been doing both, one day walking and the next day run, but which is better in the long run for the body?Thanks to all who answer Peace and Blessings*Note* I do not thumbs down
A: Well walking is fantastic and so is running.I have been training for a marathon and was reading about how you do your long runs SLOWLY at first so you can get your body into fat burning mode. I used a heart rate monitor to get me in the right zone.I have also lost a lot of weight as a result.I would say long slow runs (half an hour PLUS). Running slowly is quite easy too and you can go quite a long while.

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