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Can you get the flu by talking to someone who has it

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The flu can be transmitted by casual contact, so talking can be a form of transmission [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-get-the-flu-by-talking-to-someone-who-has-it ]
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Can you get the flu by talking to someone who has it
The flu can be transmitted by casual contact, so talking can be a form of transmission

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Talking Back to the News Media: What am I not getting about the panic over swine flu?
Q: in ref. to the news article:http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/30/swine.flu/I know this is a lot, but am I NOT understanding all this correctly:article: “Swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs and can jump to humans. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.”–but those symptoms are no different than any other type A influenza virus.”But the latest virus is a hybrid of swine, avian and human strains, and no vaccine has been developed for it. In response, countries are scrambling to prevent its spread.”–but people contract mutated versions of the flu virus every year, most do not get the latest vaccine, and most still recover after a few days. Those strains can also be hybrids of human, bird, and pig. It just sounds more “scary” to keep emphasizing a hybrid trio. Because swine flu (which has shown to pose no greater threat than other flu viruses) developed in pigs doesn’t make it more dangerous to humans. It has been proven that your immune system is the most important element when fighting the flu, which is why MDs will tell you to get plenty of rest. It’s why the same group that has always been most at risk is still most at risk: babies, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. But this is nothing new. Plus, vaccines are not 100% effective and can actually cause illness (as was the case in 1976 when 40 million were given flu vaccine and some developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe and sometimes fatal condition).”The World Health Organization raised its pandemic to its second-highest level, warning of widespread human infection from the outbreak that originated in Mexico and has been jumping from person-to-person with relative ease.”–“jumping from person-to-person with relative ease” is nothing more than a news media sensationalistic style of saying that the virus can pass from human to human, which is how most people who get infected with type A influenza have always gotten infected anyway. This is not a “superflu” virus that has proven to be extra contagious or extra difficult for someone to get over compared to any other flu-related illness. “It urged countries to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine.”–Why? And WHAT countries? Thousands die from flu related illness every year and nobody “ramps up efforts” to create a vaccine. There’s no real reason being demonstrated why a new vaccine is so imperative even if there have been fatalities (curiously all in Mexico except for one boy who the article admits had underlying health problems). Again, there is no evidence that this is some kind of strain of flu that the human immune system cannot handle regardles of what kind of “hybrid” combination. The swine flu pathogen is not from a human source and still does not kill people at an alarming rate.”It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic,” said Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO’s director-general. “We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them.”–“all of humanity is under threat” sounds like now the WHO is adding to media hype, but the point here is that she says “during a pandemic,” and there has yet to be a pandemic declared (defined as the disease occurring throughout wide geographic location and affecting much of the population). This kind of language makes me suspect that if the World Health Organization declares there’s a pandemic it won’t be because of an actual threat but for some other politically motivated reason.”By early Thursday, the WHO had confirmed 154 cases worldwide with 10 additional cases reported in Spain, Nine of the cases of the H1N1 virus in Spain were found in people who had returned from Mexico.”–How in the name of the seven mad gods that rule the sea is 154 cases of any flu virus an overwhelming imminent threat of pandemic when as much as 500,000 people on average per year are expected to die from flu-related illness and nobody ever declares a pandemic has occurred? “While all the fatalities, except that of the boy, have been in Mexico — the epicenter of the outbreak — the majority of the confirmed infected cases have been in the United States: 91 across 10 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”–In all cases except one baby boy with underlying health problems, those infected with the new flu strain got typical flu symptoms, not some bizarre never before seen reaction to the flu virus, and they got over it like any other influenza. So, why is it so important these 91 cases were the new strain of virus when probably thousands more contracted other strains of type A influenza, had similar symptoms, and most recovered just the same?The news media is going to great lengths to literally tell people they should be worried. The WHO is using language like “all of humanity” is under an imminent “threat.” Am I mis-reading what I’ve indicated above when you sift through the a
A: Your post has been the ONLY dissection and exposure of the unwarranted hysteria perpetrated on the people by the media and the government. Everyone should read what you have written.You are one of the few people out there with any sense. Thank you for your voice of sanity in a world of madness.I would expound on my answer, but I have to go pick up my asthmatic son from public school, where I have allowed him to attend, despite being surrounded by possible flu carriers, WITHOUT a surgical mask!:OAnd we live in TEXAS!! GASP!
don’t worry about the swine flu?
Q: the news is just making a biger deal then it is, there only been 335 case and 17 died it may seem alot but look you can live on it if you stay clean and wash your hands and take care of yourimmune system and how do you take care of your immune system is by Exercise. Regular, gentle exercise, like walking, helps fortify your immune system by stimulating natural killer cells that stop viruses and bacteria. Exercise is especially helpful for seniors. Women over 67 who walk or exercise regularly reportedly have fewer respiratory infections than others.Get enough sleep. Your body needs rest to stay in tip-top shape. When it’s working to fight off a cold or the flu, sometimes rest is the best medicine.Relax. Find ways to reduce stress, which can weaken your immune system. Listen to music, do yoga or tai chi, go for a walk, practice deep breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques, or just talk to someone about your problems.Wash your hands. It’s an easy and effective way to fight germs. When Naval recruits lathered up five times a day, they watched their rate of respiratory illness drop by 45 percent. Wash vigorously with regular soap and water for 15 to 20 seconds.When you eat right and take care of your body, your immune system will take care of you. that how the only thing you need to worry about is that if your old or young but if you do get the FLU just do what i told you. IT NOT THAT BAD AS THEY SAY RIGHT NOW IT WE JUST HAVE TO SEE HOW BIG IT GET BUT RIGHT NOW EVERONE GOING NUT JUST WAIT A MOUTH.last thing think about what happen to sars where is it now and this thing not as to sarswell not but my point is they making such a big deal
A: yeah and remember the bird flu?We survived that didn’t we?So if we survived the bird flu then of course we can survive the swine fluLOL yeah and there are like lots of teenagers saying “omg I have been coughing a lot. I think I got the swine flu!!”how stupid is that?and then everybody just gets scared and stays away from anyone who coughs.Just lame…
How can the CDC say flu vaccine containing Thimerosal is “safe” if research shows that ethylmercury is toxic?
Q: (I asked this question already and got a VERY rude answer TWICE. Yahoo has even pulled this question because people here are trying to eliminate these types of questions for some reason. If you disagree with something below and need to be rude about it please go to the politics category and answer another question!)What research am I talking about? Here’s something from the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (2007) available at the website for the Coalition For Mercury-free Drugs: http://mercury-freedrugs.org/docs/071130_Geier_etal_PublishedReviewOfThimerosalPaper1.pdfThe CDC’s own Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR) says, “The nervous system is very sensitive to ALL FORMS [my emphasis] of mercury” (source: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts46.html )EPA guidelines for maximum daily allowable exposure to mercury and mercury compounds is given at .1 micrograms per kilogram body weight (source: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/UCM096228 ), but the flu vaccine containing Thimerosal gives a person much higher exposure than this (e.g., a 40 pound 5 year old girl would be getting 14 times the maximum “permissable” level after injection with the first two necessary doses).How can so many news media sources along with the CDC and the World Health Organization encourage the public to believe that vaccines containing Thimerosal are simply “safe” (even for pregnant women!) in light of this kind of research? The people who argue that the above sources are somehow “invalid” refuse to believe that there are indicators that all research on the safety of ethyl mercury in vaccines is indeed mixed and NOT conclusive. Plus, if you’re ready to cite an epidemiological study that evaluated a large group of individuals, it doesn’t necessarily generalize to an individual case in which for some reason someone is more sensitive than most people to the dose of mercury you get when vaccinated. There hasn’t been a move by the FDA to remove Thimerosal from all pediatric vaccines for no reason!Is it that the term “safe” is so vague it doesn’t really mean anything anymore?If you want to read what I think:http://cultureofone.blogspot.com/Liam: To say “Mercury from thiomersal undergoes more rapid clearance from the blood than other compounds” is a bit vague. The World Health Organization reports the half life of ethylmercury in a typical vaccine is 7 days. Given how lethal mercury compounds have been shown to be through some very scary reports, who knows what happens in some cases in as little as 7 days? Also, this “clearing” of ethylmercury shown in studies that measure serum levels don’t rule out that when ethylmercury breaks down into its elemental components the mercury isn’t stored in tissue such as in kidneys, liver, or even the brain to do some kind of damage later. Moreover, the same website you link to admits the FDA did recommend that all pediatric vaccines no longer contain Thimerosal. Yet, you see this year the CDC says the vaccines containing Thimerosal are safe for all pregnant women, infants, and children. That’s a bit of an inconsistency.Elle: I’ve seen that video from FOX. That’s Dr. Kent Holtorf. He’s one of the few doctors to come forth and admit there’s plenty of unknowns regarding how “safe” the flu vaccines are. You notice how the newscaster makes sure to make it look like Holtorf’s opinion is “outnumbered” 3 to 1? Real “balanced news” there!Liam: You say, “There is no potential for cumulative toxicity.” How can you say that when there’s not enough evidence for it in the study you linked to? Wishful thinking?I can’t believe you provide a link to a study in Pediatrics (known to be advocates of pharmaceuticals) and you are skipping over the details and going right to your conclusion, which is NOT supported by this kind of research.1. “Allergy to thimerosal is well-described in the clinical literature, primarily in the form of delayed-type hypersensitivity.” Interpretation: There’s evidence that it’s not “safe” for everyone.Liam: (con’t)2. Why do you keep insisting it’s so important that ethylmercury is not methylmercury? From the same source in Pediatrics that YOU provided the link for: “Because high-dose exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal results in toxicity comparable to that observed after high-dose exposure to methylmercury, and because of the chemical similarity of the 2 compounds, it appears reasonable to consider toxicity of low doses of methylmercury and ethylmercury to be similar.”3. The article admits that infants have received dosages of mercury through vaccines that exceed the EPA guideline for maximum daily exposure. That’s called “inconsistency” when it comes to setting standards for maximum allowable levels.4. This article repeatedly says there is “no evidence of harm” due to lack of data. Even logically, this doesn’t equal the conclusion that Thimerosal is “safe.” It means WE DON’T KNOW.5. “Precisely identifying the risk from thimerosal in vaccines is problematic because of gaps in knowledge of its toxicity.” That’s not true. It’s well known how lethal it is. they are trying to defend why a so-called “safe level” can be put into vaccines and expected to be tolerated even by an infant. When they say, “The comparative toxicity of ethyl- and methylmercury has not been well-characterized,” they contradicted themselves. (Read #2 again.) This article is filled with imprecise and unclear language as well as the basic assumption that if you can’t find evidence for harm then harm doesn’t must not exist. That’s called “bad science.” Thanks for the article. I now have 2 examples of sham research published by Pediatrics.
A: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread505010/pg1 25,000x level of mercury in swine vaccine
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