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What are Names and definitions of heart conditions

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A:Heart conditions: Arrhythmias: irregular beating of the heart / Congenital Heart Disease: heart defects present @ birth – MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-names-and-definitions-of-heart-conditions ]
More Answers to “What are Names and definitions of heart conditions
What are Names and definitions of heart conditions
Heart conditions: Arrhythmias: irregular beating of the heart / Congenital Heart Disease: heart defects present @ birth – MORE

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Are you aware your government was never there to serve you?
Q: The system was never there to abide to your interests, they’ve got no business whatsoever but to control you (see definition of the word Govern)You pay your taxes for protection & services you believe they offer & you also get to vote between apparently seperate partys giving you the illusion of choice in line with your views, when in reality it’s 2 or more wings on the same plane – the flight path doesn’t change.Now what if I was to tell you we’re actually controlled by a satanic cult? Do I all of a sudden appear ‘crazy’?Well have you ever asked yourself who or what a satanist is? It’s not me I promise, I doubt it’s you or your family, your neighbours or your friends…so who actually are the devil worshipers?Well it just so happens to be the freemasonic leaders of western civilisation, the people you elect, the royal families that preside over their thrones & aristocratic blood lines. All nations are simply different factions of the same gang (mafia) Their names include Saxe Coburg (sorry ‘windsor’), Rothschid, Rockefeller, Bush, Warburg, Morgan etc. We exist & live on a system of credit that they control. Have you ever wondered where money comes from? Who prints it? & who sets the interest rates?This connected cult (illuminati) owns & controls private central banks (Bank of England/ Federal Reserve etc) They create money out of thin air & lend it to ‘your’ government at interest & so it works its way down via corporations, smaller banks, business & at last to the people. (think of a pyramid)So how can the funds ever be paid back to the source with interest on top?It just can’t.The recession/depression & all wars are orchestrated scams that constrict the stranglehold on the mass populus. It’s carefully planned & the people will never ever be out of debt…they were never intended to be.Please research the new world order because the move to a 1 world tyranical government & microchiped population is their end goal & you can see it unfolding before your very eyes. People are conditioned to dismiss anything connected with the word ‘conspiracy’ but I can assure you this is frightfuly real. The plot thickens when you learn they’ve infiltrated almost every area of our lives i.e how we’re manipulated by their media, entertainment industry & pharmaceuticals, 9/11 (celeb culture, glossy mags, drugs & pills, war on terror? etc) to remain ignorant, oblivious & unaware of the sick agenda being carried out. Simply educate yourself then look around at everything you feel in your heart to be wrong or evil in the world & you’ll start connecting the dots & realise it all stems from the same place. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs” – Thomas JeffersonTo those who read, I only write to inform if you’re not already aware.To learn the whole truth of this nightmare we’re currently living in is only a choice you yourself can make.God Blessmcq316 That’s the kind of programmed response I expected & no I don’t take pills.
A: Well for one thing you hit the nail on the head, it is refreshing to know you are not alone in your thoughts and ideas. Good reading. Thanks
What is the definition of heaven?”?
Q: In fact, the term ‘Heaven’ – capitalized – has a shared meaning in Islam and all the other revealed religions. Primarily, it refers to that beautiful abode where, those who believe in only God, humble themselves to worship Him, do the good and avoid the evil, are promised to go after the end of this worldly life. In this sense, it is the synonym of the “Gardens of Paradise”, which is the equivalent of the Arabic word: Jannah. Those blessed dwellers will live there in an everlasting life. This term, in Christian theology, may also mean a name of God the All Mighty. Again, in the sufist (mystic) tradition of both religions, this term means an ecstatic state of communion with God. Thus, it is obvious that all the connotations of this word are spiritual and highly exalted, above the human level of worldly experience. It is a transcendental space that the believers, though never experienced, yet are able to conceive through the detailed description that God has supplied them with. This is in order to arouse their incitement and longing for it. It is difficult to quote the many verses in Qur’an that describe Heaven, as these are so many! It might be sufficient to know that every pleasure in that Heaven is unparalleled to that in the worldly life. It is as the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh), described to enclose: “What no eye has ever seen and no ear has never heard and no human heart has ever perceived.” (Narrated in the book of compiled hadiths by Imam Muslim.) Its food, houses, rivers, pleasures… everything is beyond imagination! And because the believer is always attached to the spiritual more than the sensual, even in Heaven, God has made the ultimate ecstasy for the believers there, is to look at His Holy Countenance. Such is a blessing, from which believers never get bored or even get accustomed to, despite familiarity. Because this term – Heavens – refers to the place and condition of utmost happiness, it was borrowed or say, “hijacked”, by those whose philosophy of life is a mere hedonistic one. I think that their choice of this word in particular is evidence, in itself, of their awareness of the model image of happiness and bliss. But the gap is quite wide, between the model image and this worldly application of pleasure, which is definitely associated with a pain or discomfort of some kind, or at least with the sense of temporality or boredom. For this reason, those hedonists rely on a “carp diem” style of life. This is a Latin expression, which means: “live day by day”. This would mean that you must exhaust your pleasure every day for fear that there may not be a second opportunity tomorrow! If you need to know more about the description of Heaven, from the Islamic point of view, I recommend that you buy a CD of the Qur’an, the Muslim Holy book, and just search for the words “Heavens” and “Gardens of Paradise”. Here, you will know much about the rewards that await the believers there and more important, the requirement for a believer to attain them. Such requirements would look simple compared to the reward, and can – with the mercy of God – be reached if one can persevere in obeying Allah and practicing true Islam.
A: Well, after reading your “question” there doesn’t seem much left to answer! :)But heaven to me is a cappuccino, a plate of chocolate chip cookies, a stack of Family Gut DVDs and my beloved snuggled up against me.To quote Belinda Carlisle (are you paying attention, AVATARD?), “Heaven is a place on earth.”.
“What is the definition of heaven?”?
Q: In fact, the term ‘Heaven’ – capitalized – has a shared meaning in Islam and all the other revealed religions. Primarily, it refers to that beautiful abode where, those who believe in only God, humble themselves to worship Him, do the good and avoid the evil, are promised to go after the end of this worldly life. In this sense, it is the synonym of the “Gardens of Paradise”, which is the equivalent of the Arabic word: Jannah. Those blessed dwellers will live there in an everlasting life. This term, in Christian theology, may also mean a name of God the All Mighty. Again, in the sufist (mystic) tradition of both religions, this term means an ecstatic state of communion with God. Thus, it is obvious that all the connotations of this word are spiritual and highly exalted, above the human level of worldly experience. It is a transcendental space that the believers, though never experienced, yet are able to conceive through the detailed description that God has supplied them with. This is in order to arouse their incitement and longing for it. It is difficult to quote the many verses in Qur’an that describe Heaven, as these are so many! It might be sufficient to know that every pleasure in that Heaven is unparalleled to that in the worldly life. It is as the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh), described to enclose: “What no eye has ever seen and no ear has never heard and no human heart has ever perceived.” (Narrated in the book of compiled hadiths by Imam Muslim.) Its food, houses, rivers, pleasures… everything is beyond imagination! And because the believer is always attached to the spiritual more than the sensual, even in Heaven, God has made the ultimate ecstasy for the believers there, is to look at His Holy Countenance. Such is a blessing, from which believers never get bored or even get accustomed to, despite familiarity. Because this term – Heavens – refers to the place and condition of utmost happiness, it was borrowed or say, “hijacked”, by those whose philosophy of life is a mere hedonistic one. I think that their choice of this word in particular is evidence, in itself, of their awareness of the model image of happiness and bliss. But the gap is quite wide, between the model image and this worldly application of pleasure, which is definitely associated with a pain or discomfort of some kind, or at least with the sense of temporality or boredom. For this reason, those hedonists rely on a “carp diem” style of life. This is a Latin expression, which means: “live day by day”. This would mean that you must exhaust your pleasure every day for fear that there may not be a second opportunity tomorrow! If you need to know more about the description of Heaven, from the Islamic point of view, I recommend that you buy a CD of the Qur’an, the Muslim Holy book, and just search for the words “Heavens” and “Gardens of Paradise”. Here, you will know much about the rewards that await the believers there and more important, the requirement for a believer to attain them. Such requirements would look simple compared to the reward, and can – with the mercy of God – be reached if one can persevere in obeying Allah and practicing true Islam.
A: Heaven is also known as Paradise. It goes by the Islamic name of Jannah. There are many levels of Paradise depending on how righteous a person is on Earth. The highest level that all Muslims are encouraged to ask for is Jannatul Firdaus.Like with other aspects of the unseen, Muslims are obligated to believe in Heaven in order to complete their faith.The bounties and beauty of Heaven are immense, so much so that it is beyond abilities of mankind’s worldly mind to comprehend.However, Allah, in his Mercy, has given us descriptions of what Heaven is like as an incentive for us to strive to please Him and earn His ultimate reward – which is a place in Heaven.Forever – Paradise is forever. Once a Muslim reaches Paradise, he will not want to be anywhere else and he will live there for eternity. Wealth – there will be an abundance of wealth and beauty in Paradise. Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al Kahf, verse 31: “For them will be Gardens of eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good [is] the recompense! How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!”Eligibility – whoever has worshipped no one but Allah is qualified to enter Heaven. This includes the followers of past prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc who adhered to their true teachings and worshipped Allah without partners. However, according to Islamic teachings, the followers of Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) will be more abundant in Heaven than those of other prophets.The unknown – what bounties of Paradise cannot be comprehended when compared to worldly riches. Allah has told us many things about Paradise, but in a narration in Saheeh Muslim, the Prophet said: “Never mind what Allah has told you; what He has not told you is even greater.”
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