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What are some things that you should eat during a flu or a cold

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For the flu:Drink Hot Liquids:Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and can soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat.Also hot soups.Fruit with Vitamin C.Thank you,ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-things-that-you-should-eat-during-a-flu-or-a-cold ]
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What are some things that you should eat during a flu or a cold?
For the flu:Drink Hot Liquids:Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and can soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat.Also hot soups.Fruit with Vitamin C.Thank you,ChaCha on.

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What can you do against doctors/nursers/hospitals, that treat you unfairly & make you feel inadequate.?
Q: In the last year I’ve unfortunately had alot of episodes of lung problems, asthma, colds/flu whatever..just been sick/out of it, and on top of that also had just lots of meds on me. I live by a few hospitals and whenever I felt kind of blah I’d drive to it, take my meds get something to eat, just chill/relax , and if I feell worse I get admitted, if not I go home. Simple as that.I’ve gone into the ER so much that it’s embarassing, but that’s how bad my health was..it was scary. Luckilly things have gotten better.Anyways, during that whole time, because I’ve been to the ER cuontless of times to be seen and on hospital grounds other times just as a precaution, the attitudes of the doctors/nurses/staff, whoever,…seems to have turned anti-me.first the doctors had their whole annoyed, jaded “there’s nothing more we can do for you” schpeal, then the nurses got fed up, nad yadda yadda, and they’d even make comments like “sign by the dotted line, and kaching,….new car for me” i thought that was inappropriate. Then, understanding that I definiteyl went there wayyyyyyyyyyy more than normal, I even agreed to seek behavioral health help/psychiatry , got evaulated, and worked on my fear of whatever it is I’m going through, and how to stop myself from going to the ER or being by a hospital just because I’m scared.Anyways these were frightening times I went through, and it sucks that I had to go through it all, but I always felt like the hospital and the staff treated me like some werido hobo criminal strange person or something. They really seemed like they were against me.Security was even looking out for me when I came in, they knew me by a first name basis, and once I wasn’t paying attention and was taking some pics on my cell or a cam, i believe, in the hospital out of boredom, and i had security come to me and it was this whole huge dramatic ordeal. Anyways, it just seems like,….my own being scared and at times stupidity, is making these people treat me in such a way,but it’s not just this hospital, it happened in other ones too.Ones I never even go to that frequently. I’ve had a security guard come up to me a few times when I was parked there taking my meds, and sometimes when i walk in to use the bathroom or whatever, they just look at me like i’m a criminal or sometihng, just give me weird unfriendly looks.Now believe me, if I felt like running a marathon and felt like I was in great shape, I WOULD NOT STEP FOOT inside of a hospital, but this past year I’ve been sick several times and it was SO BAD, that i thought i was literally going to die or never get better. fever that laster for about a week or two, congested chest for several months….couldnt breathe…affected mental state too…then on top of that panic attacks….wrecked havoc on my electrolyte levels permanently almost. i have to eat lots of potassum daily….I’ve just been through ALOT..and granted I’ve been going to hospitals way more than I should have, but that’s how scared I was,,….and these people treated me like the SCUM of the earth.Some of them I even told, flat out,..spoke to the patient advocate, “listen this is my situation i APOLOGIZE if i just seem like i come into the main hospital or the er,.and not get checked, in, i just feel unsafe, im scared…ill work on that,” bla bla bla… but id still get weird looks by security like they think im the next unibomber or something.Now I know how I can be the bad guy here to a degree…but I feel like I’m being treated too harshly. I understand that they might have a problem with someone that they think is coming more than they need to be, that’s fine,..and I even admitted to that,but why treat me like a total….psychopath? literally I mean sometimes I’d even say bye to them, and they wouldn’t even answer back. This one doctor who treated me upon seeing me in the parking lot just averted his stare…i mean its like..they act like they want NOTHING to do with me.And, …dislike dealing with me strongly…very strongly. One nurse even when she saw me was like “look i dont have time for this today.”and then said “well u taking pics, that was illegal…and if u park here without intent of being seen thats trespassing, so we can always do that if u keep it up, ” bla bla bla. She was acting like i was purposeflly bothering them, when it was a simple c ase of irrational fear/anxiety.they were discriminating against my mental state being anxious, over a legit thing, …..i went rhough alot, and it affected me really bad. it gave me vertigo, all sorts of things.I can’t explain it.it felt like just a prolonged neverending illness, and it freaked me out.Oh and prior to this year…..I haven’t gone to er’s very often at ALL..i’ve gone YEARS without going to any..so I’m not one of those lifelong frequent cases or anything at ALL.I just think that they really don’t understand, I’m really misunderstood anSeriously, it’s so annoying because here I am with obvious physical AND mental issues,….trying to take care of business,..admittedly kind of slow, but still..and instead of working with me or at least..>KNOWING MY STORY, and not judging me negatively on it….they choose to treat me like a freak.I don’t feel like I deserve that, at all.I mean it’s not like I didn’t tell these doctors/hospitals the issues and everytihng. They know me…yet..still..the attitude persisted.I did complain but nothing too formal., and they kept saying well “we’re in the 99th percentile, we always get positive feedback,” just their bs business [email protected] feel like they’re brushing me off as this unimportant PEST….and treating me with total disrespect.
A: why don’t you talk to your attorney?whatever you do, don’t pitch a fit if you want to be treated like your age.
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