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What is swollen under my jaw on both sides of my neck

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Swollen Lymph Nodes, that is what is under the jaw, can be a sign of the Flu, or of tonsillitis or throat problems.ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-swollen-under-my-jaw-on-both-sides-of-my-neck ]
More Answers to “What is swollen under my jaw on both sides of my neck
What is swollen under my jaw on both sides of my neck
Swollen Lymph Nodes, that is what is under the jaw, can be a sign of the Flu, or of tonsillitis or throat problems.ChaCha on!
Why Do I Have Swollen Lymph Nodes Under My Jaw Bones On Both Side…?
I just had my whole bottom mouth of implants put in this morning. They do not hurt at all. I was eating dinner and suddenly it seems they are my glands that swelled up immediately. I stopped eating and they seem to have gone down slightly. …

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Q: I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and under my jaw line on my neck is swollen on both sides it doesn’t hurt it’s not red it’s just there.I do have a protruding disk in my cervical spine and some arthritis I wasn’t sure if any of these things would cause it.
A: The main thing that would cause swollen lymph nodes is when your body is trying to fight off some sort of infection. Sometimes these infections can be so mild that they do not cause any noticeable symptoms. They are not likely to be related to your spinal problems or to the arthritis.You should go to see your doctor to have them checked to find out if it is due to an infection, they will be able to give antibiotics if required
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A: your period.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? sore jaw, swollen lymph node, headache!!?
Q: 3 days ago I woke up with very discomforting jaw pain on my left side. I decided to wait til the next day to see if it went away. Unfortunately, the next day I woke up and the jaw pain was still there, but it was now on the right side of my jaw. Today I woke up and my entire jaw, both sides, is in pain. It hurts to open my mouth more than a little bit. There is much pressure in my ears which seems to be from the jaw pain. Also, my temples are throbbing at times and cause me to have a short headache. About 20 minutes ago I felt my neck and felt that the right side of my neck under my ear had a large knot in it (I’m guessing it is a swollen lymph node?) I’ve looked up the possible answers to this and nothing matches my symptoms completely. – wisdom teeth growing?- TMJ? – thyroid disorder/cancerThose 3 are the closest things I can come up with. Someone heeeeeeeeeeelllllllppppp!!!I’ve never had my wisdom teeth removed.Nor do I have discomfort in my throat.
A: Do you really want to trust your health to strangers ‘guessing’ at what is your medical condition??? I wouldn’t,,, here’s a link that will help youhttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/symptom-checker/DS00671
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