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What are the health issues with anemia

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A:Some health issues with anemia if is not treated properly such as secondary organ dysfunction or damage, including heart arrhythmia and heart failure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-health-issues-with-anemia ]
More Answers to “What are the health issues with anemia
What are the health issues with anemia
Some health issues with anemia if is not treated properly such as secondary organ dysfunction or damage, including heart arrhythmia and heart failure.

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vegetarian experiencing health issues. anemia? juvenile diabetes? please help!!!!?
Q: I am a teen/young adult. About 3 and a half months ago i became a vegetarian. Since then my health has decreased. It was slow to begin with and i didnt really pay much attention at first but in the past month my health has taken a turn for the worse. I experience bad headaches daily, weakness, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, and shakiness especially in my hands and legs and feet. I know i do struggle with maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet. I went to the doctor and they did a blood test and it is being sent off and i have an appointment in a week. There, the doctors talked to me about anemia and juvenile diabetes. They did not specify which one they thought it would be. Juvenile diabetes nor anemia runs in my family. I just want to know what sounds most like what i have anemia or juvenile diabetes. i have done lots of research of symptoms of both, and i have experienced a lot of symptoms with diabetes such as constant thirst frequent urination, irritability, however i have not experienced that much weight loss. i can understand where i may have anemia because of lack of iron from no longer having meat in my diet, however rice does provide iron and rice is a major staple in my diet. i eat it daily. Which of these are you leaning towards. please help me i just would like to know some form of indication. thank you so much!!
A: Eat some meat.
Been having health issues, help?
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A: Try having your vitamin/mineral levels checked.Maybe look into a naturopath.Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
Some sort of dizzy spells?
Q: For the past few days Ive been having some sort of constant dizzy spell. Its very hard to explain so please bare with me as I try to do so. Its not the dizzy spell a person can get when they get up to fast or when they turn around. Its as I’m walking, sitting, doing anything really and it feels as if my eyes are trying to go cross-eyed, and they feel very heavy as if they want to close as well, like if I was sleepy, but I’m wide awake. It only last maybe a second or two but it happens every min or so. I also have been feeling like I’m starting to stare off into space, like my head is cloudy, but I’m still very aware of my surroundings. Does anyone know what this could be? Id really appreciate any help I can get. I don’t have insurance, so seeing a doctor seems to be out of the question unless I get feedback that it might be something serious. I’m also a 20 year old female, with no previous health issues other than anemia, but I take iron pills and other stuff for it.
A: anxiety neurosis ,
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