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What does it mean if you have an upset stomach and you feel like you have to burp and vomit at the same time

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You may be experiencing heart burn, indigestion, or the common flu. Don’t be afraid. Take some Tums or another antacid, lie down, and drink water. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-have-an-upset-stomach-and-you-feel-like-you-have-to-burp-and-vomit-at-the-same-time ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you have an upset stomach and you feel like you have to burp and vomit at the same time
What does it mean if you have an upset stomach and you feel like …?
You may be experiencing heart burn, indigestion, or the common flu. Don’t be afraid. Take some Tums or another antacid, lie down, and drink water. ChaCha on!

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Q: It started out about a week ago, I had major headache pain all day long and nothing i would take would make them go away. . then i noticed i had very black stool for a day. then i had a day where i couldn’t get cooled off, i was so warm and that’s really not like me at all. I had what i think was my period before all of this. I am very irregular, and in fact last month only had a light period.. and the same for this month. well I have noticed after three days of bleeding my period has stopped and i have pain in my right side on my ribs. also a bruise that appeared out of no where on my abdomen, very sore and dark in color. I am bloated like you would not believe, i look as if i am several months pregnant and my ankles feel as if they are swollen. it hurts to go poo because anything touching my stomach is painful.. when i eat or drink it feels like my tummy is going to explode. sex hurts because of all the pressure built up in my stomach. the last time i went to the doctor for this they told me i had a lot of gas. i am not burping or farting ( which might relieve it) but i do take OTC meds for gas, bloating, upset stomach. i do feel at times like i could vomit.. but nothing has come up so far. I eat right and exercise about an hour a day. what could be wrong with me?
A: well black stools mean internal bleeding,so go to the doctor and tell him all your symptoms as it could be serious
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