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What is a lopressor

Health related question in topics Metoprolol .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a lopressor”,you can compare them.

A:Lopressor beta blocker (trade name Lopressor) used treating hypertension and angina and arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-lopressor ]
More Answers to “What is a lopressor
Lopressor is an oral beta-blocker. It helps the heart beat a bit more regularly which will reduce stress on it. You may need to take it if you have high blood pressure.
Lopressor, a type of medication known as a beta blocker, is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, angina pectoris (chest pain, usually caused by lack of oxygen to the heart due to clogged arteries), and heart attack
Lopressor is a medication known as beta-blocker that is used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and heart attack.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What side effects did you experience being on metoprolol(lopressor)?
Q: I take half of a 25mg in the morning and the other half at dinner time. I’ve been dizzy, cold, tired, haven’t been sleeping well, felt like my heart is racing and sometimes my blood pressure or my pulse are up in between doses. I’m waiting to hear back from my cardiologist.I have a digital blood pressure monitor that I use to take my blood pressure and pulse. My bp was 130/96 this morning and my pulse was 96 before medication. Usually my diastolic blood pressure is higher.I have been on lopressor since April 27th. Before that I was on hctz.
A: i felt the same way when i was on atenolol (very similar drug, both are beta blockers). you can feel cold, dizzy, and tired because it reduces the amount of blood your heart pumps. your body adjusts some to the side effects after a couple weeks. if you skip a dose or stop taking the medication suddenly, your heart can race, because your body adjusts to having the metoprolol in your system. when the metoprolol is no longer there, your heart rate and blood pressure increase. cutting the tablets into quarters and taking one in the morning and one at night may help, but ask your cardiologist before you do it. also, i know theyre little guys so cutting them into quarters might not work well.anyway, if you really dont like beta blockers you could see if he’ll switch you to another drug like an ace inhibitor. dont just suddenly stop taking it or your problems can get worse. i didnt stay on atenolol very long bc i got too tired when i went jogging or swimming
I take lopressor (Metoprolol) Blood pressure and?
Q: I guess Im not supposed to be in the sun? I did not know this…I was in the sun Yesterday didnt get burnt, Went in the tanningbed today and got a little burnt but nuthin severe, Why cant I get sunlight? What will happen since Ive been exposed to sun and taking this medicine? Im sorta worried!!! :/
A: I think you’re probably taking Lopressor HCT, not lopressor. It’s the HCT (hydrochlorothiazide) portion of the drug that causes photosensitivity, and generally you’re simply more prone to getting a skin rash on this medicine.
Is anyone familiar with Lopressor (Metaprolol)?
Q: I take Lopressor, but I only take a small amount. It was given to me after an ER visit with Tachycardia. I have been observing my blood pressure lately and noticed it is high. 142/98 last week. I am only taking 25mg twice a day. Is this enough? What is the usual dosage for a 29yo female who weighs 230lbs?
A: Lopressor is primarily used to control heart rate (make it beat not too fast). It has the advantage that it can lower high BP. They often add another BP med (one used for BP) to control it better.Talk to your doctor at the next appointment or make another one to see him/her.Cut out salt and cut down on caffeine in your diet, try to eat healthy and get more exercise, this will lower your BP naturally. IF you smoke this can increase BP.
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