AIDS vs Bird Flu?

Q:AIDS has been around for 25 years; the bird flu hasn’t really even hit yet. But People are much more obsessed about the latter possible threat than the first existent and devastating disease. I don’t get it.
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HIV doesn’t kill people anymore if they can get the proper medical treatment. However, the H5N1 bird flu virus has the potential for wiping out large sections of the world population within weeks. Imagine what would happen if half or 2/3 of the people you know were dead within a week. Imagine that happening all over the world.If you’d like a preview of the last time it happened, research the 1918 “Spanish” flu that killed millions all over the world, including the U.S. If a similar event occurs now, it will be much worse because people travel the world more easily and we share more food. Also in the U.S. the quality of our medical care is much worse than it was at the time, relatively speaking to the number of doctors.
are you crazy? why do you want them disease.
The media is very very powerful in influencing people. They run more stories on bird flu…. more people care about that instead of other things.
because you cant have sex with a bird,you only get aids through intercourse and the birdflue is a virus in the air carried through birds a lot more dangerous no cure also and it will kill alot of us when it hits here.
we know how to prevent the spread of aids but do not know how to stop the prevention of the bird flu – which will be devastating if it does come to this country
from what i heard and seen on tv bird flu kills quicker than hiv or aids
Both are modified forms of the Herpes Virus.They can be controlled by Plant Based Photosynthetic Natural Dyes.( & Aromatic Phytonutrients )AIDS and Bird Flu, have both been around since the garden of Eden.
both are bad but the bird flu is like AIDS with attitude bird flu will make the black plague look like nothing AIDS is bad to and still kills just not as fast Why do you want it?
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