Are Cold-sores Hereditary?

Q:My partner suffers with Cold-sores particulary when He is under stress!He is adamant that he has inherited them from His Mother.I, on the other hand,beg to differ! I think cold-sores are are type of virus & some people are just more susceptable to them than others, as I have never had one in My life!Can anyone help Us to put this ‘little disagreement’ to bed once & for all??
More Answers to “Are Cold-sores Hereditary?
Cold sores are caused by the Herpes family of viruses, and almost the entire human population is exposed to them in infancy or early childhood. If his mother suffered from them, and she kissed him, she could have well passed it on to him that way. So could other brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, or playmates. It is extremely unlikely you or he would ever be able to determine with 100% accuracy where he actually acquired the virus. You may or may not be immune, you may have resistance or you may be immune, or you may simply not have had one break out yet. If he does have them, and kisses you, you stay at risk for doing so. But there is no genetic component involved, no. You do not inherit cold sores in the same manner you do your eye color. It’s closer to the type of inheritance you get from a will- when grandma leaves you the family photograph album. So you are both possible right in a way, and wrong in another. Kiss him on the side without the cold sore and make up.
yes they are a viral infection that you have in your system – and I would probably expect they are passed on from parents – i suffer from them and so does my mum, yet my dad doesnt!
University of Utah researchers say it’s likely that people who are predisposed to cold sores have inherited that trait through one of six genes.Cold sores are actually caused by the herpes simplex virus. Most people are infected with this virus, but only certain people suffer from frequent cold sores. The researchers traced cold sore susceptibility to a region of six genes on human chromosome 21.They did a mathematical analysis and found that the odds of linkage from one of the six genes on chromosome 21 to cold sores stands at 2,500:1. That’s strong enough to indicate a connection, according to the researchers who presented their finding at the recent Infectious Disease Society of America’s annual meeting.They say more research is needed to determine which of those six suspect genes is actually the culprit that makes some people suffer more cold sores.Cold sores are more than an uncomfortable annoyance. They can lead to more serious problems such as ocular herpes – which can cause blindness – and genital herpes.
Herpes is the H in TORCH.These are the organisms that can be passed from mother to baby either through the placenta or during the actual birth. These organisms can cause serious problems for the baby.T is toxoplasma, O stands for others, R is rubella german measles. C= cytomegaly virus and H is Herpes.I have seen sad pictutes of babies covered in the herpes spots.This virus gets into your nerve cells and never goes away.It breaks out when you are down or stressed.Your boyfriend was speaking the truth.But you Are also right, they are a virus and some people will catch them more easily than others. Your boyfriend caught them off his mom but before birth.
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