are women with bigger breasts more prone to breast cancer?

Q:are women with bigger breasts more prone to breast cancer?
More Answers to “are women with bigger breasts more prone to breast cancer?
no that doesn’t have nothing to do with it little breast gets breast cancer also. are prone due to genetics and environment (smoking excessive alchol etc) if you are genetically predisposed you should get a baseline mammogram. all women should do monthly self breast exams any irregularities report to md!!
I had a Dr tell me once that was true, woman with larger breast do have more of a chance to get breast cancer. But I think all woman are at risk regardless of size.
actually I dont think so. But I did learn that more people have breast cancer that do not have it in their families. I was surprised. I thought it was more hereditary.
no. big small little or can get breast cancer too. yes
you have more breast tissue, so i suppose.i have heard that tall women are more likely
No it makes no difference as to the size of any womens breast.
it’s more genetic problembut hey quantities increase the possibilities ya?
no, men can get breast cancer, too – it’s just a little harder to detect with the fatty deposits in the breast tissue.
absolutely not! breast cancer affects all breast sizes, maybe including yours if its in your genes! and also the kind of dietary routine.
Large breasts, small breasts, no breasts at all. Cancer is not selective, nor prejudice, nor attacks you for being a religious believer. Cancer does not care how much money you have or what type of house you own. Cancer attacks whom ever it wants too, and my dear that could include you or even myself. Just make sure you have your yearly mammograms and pap smears to be on the safe side.
no it can just be more difficult to detect because of all the fat, men can get breast cancer its not size related
No. There is no corelation between size and the frequency of cancer.
The last I heard, smaller breasts are more prone to cancer than larger breasts. That was many years ago, and detection techniques have improved significantly since then. It could have been that cancer was easier to detect in smaller breasts.
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