Does anyone know if it hurts to die of natural causes?

Q:Because I just thought about it and wondered if there’s any feeling from dying of natural causes
More Answers to “Does anyone know if it hurts to die of natural causes?
a heart attack is dying of natural causes, and yes it hurts; cancer is natural cause, and yes that can be very painful; etc, you get the idea now!
There can be. I’ve seen people just slip away, nice and calm and gentle. And I’ve seen people struggle until the end. If it’s in a controlled environment, then pain medicine can be used, if needed. If you, or someone in your family is dying, discuss this with your doctor. If Hospice is available, call them. Go to for more information. They have a whole section on pain control. And how to find a local Hospice.
Couldn’t tell you, last time I died it was in a car accident and I didn’t feel a thing.
yes it depends how fast it happens if its slow than he will defintly feel it but if its fast well his body would shut down and would not have time to signal pian.For example if you get shot in the head you wont feel it you wont even know that you are dead but if having a heart attack then you will feel it soo yea it depends what kinda natural cuase it is.
Many natural causes inflict pain upon the person suffering from the illness. The primary issue is what is a normal cause versus an abnormal cause. An abnormal cause could be a gunshot, car wreak, or other accident. Normal causes such as cancer, pneumonia, heart failure and stroke may result in some amount of pain to the patient. Health care has many tools to reduce suffering and in our nation, there is no need to suffer during the dying process.
I should think not.”Natural causes” usually means that your heart gives out. If you were awake at the time, you would lose consciousness as your heart was unable to perfuse your brain.It’s impossible to know, isn’t it? Those who have been down that path can’t tell us.
I’d say it depends on if your heart, or some organ, fails. I imagine that would be a painful experience.
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