Down syndrome?

Q:is there any treatment for down syndrome that any one knows about? can you describe the treatment?what is an actual deffinition for down syndrome?what can you do to prevent down syndrome?plz give full answers with resourses
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Treatment? I don’t believe there is a “treatment” for down’s syndrome.
kids r born with it
To the brilliant person who said why do people bring babies into the world with DS, they don’t necessarily know if they have it or not when they are born. It is largely due to an extra chromosone and seratonin levels in the child and the child’s molecular building blocks being different from the “normal” child’s. The reason why they say not to put a baby on it’s stomach when it sleeps for fear of DS death is because when it sleeps on it’s stomach, it starts breathing in stale air and can’t get enough oxygen rich air. The triggers in a person’s brain to turn over to get fresh air aren’t activated because the baby is lacking the correct seratonin levels to help stimulate the brain and realize the body needs to turn to get fresh air, so consequently the child suffocates. I’m sorry I don’t have sources, but it’s been on the news a lot recently. You can’t really prevent down syndrome without genetically designing your child.
It’s not something that you can “fix” with medical treatment. This genetic condition is the result of an extra chromosome in the person. Read this link:
Downs syndrome is caused by one chromosome being missing from the mothers egg.It usually is caused by the mother being older and the egg deteriorating think any treatment would have to be prenatal.
Please see the webpages for more details on Down syndrome.
Did it occur to you for even a moment that you could find extremely good resources by going to the library and/or a quick google search? There is a NATIONAL DOWN SYNDROME SOCIETY for pete’s sake. Everything you want to know is there, plus try the National Institutes of Health site.thumbstrolls strike again
If you mean treatment in terms of “curing” Down syndrome, then I can tell you that there is none. My son has Down syndrome. He has an extra 21st chromosome in every cell of his body. He receives Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. He sees his regular pediatrician as well as specialists since he was born with a heart defect (fixed surgically at 2 months old) and is prone to hyperthyroidism and other conditions.You cannot prevent Down syndrome because no one knows the exact cause. It occurs in the prenancies of women of all ages, but it is believed that the risk of having a child with Down syndrome goes up with maternal age.Children with Down syndrome in this day and age thrive. They respond well to therapy, attend regular school in most cases, many grow up to have jobs, some drive, some get married. I have nothing but optimism for my son’s future and I wouldn’t change him for the world.
Down’s syndrome is caused by abnormal cell division very early in fetal development which produces an extra chromosome. There is no way to prevent this from happening. Most people with Down’s syndrome are able to live healthy and productive lives. Women bearing children later in life run the risk of having a Down’s baby.Shame on anyway_fukitol’s inconsiderate comments.
Well unfortunatley at the current time there is no way to cure down syndromeA genetic disorder (caused by the presence of an extra chromosome), which results in physical and mental abnormalities. Physical characteristics include a flattened face, widely spaced and slanted eyes, smaller head size and lax joints. Mental retardation is also typical, though there are wide variations in mental ability, behavior, and developmental progress. Possible related health problems include poor resistance to infection, hearing loss, alzhimers in later adult hood, gastrointestinal problems, and heart defects. You can’t actually prevent it because it’s a genetic disordercaused by an additional 21st chromesome.
i dont understand people,why would you want to bring a baby into this world that has down syndrome? that’s NOT fair and it’s wrong!. shakes head : / DID EVERYONE HAVE FUN LOOKING UP THERE ANSWER’S ON THE NET?? your. daily dose of TRUTH!
Down’s Syndrome is not disease, it’s a condition without a cure. Generally, Down’s kids had trauma in the womb – usually a lack of oxygen – that creates the condition. Full answers with resources are best left to those completing their assignments.
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There is no treatment, however with early intervention and therapy, these children are helped to be the best they can be. There are many kinds of therapy including speech & physical theapy. People with Down syndrome have an extra 21st chromosome. It is a genetic defect and is not hereditary. It is more common in older mothers, however I was 27 when my son was born with it. Due to my age there was no testing. It was not known until after he was born. You cannot prevent Down Syndrome altough the odds are low for a young person. I was told my odds were 1 in 1700. Many doctors recommend testing for mothers over 35.
I don’t think there is a treatment. I think it is like Autism.
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