Having some pain and curious as to what is causing it?

Q:pain just below my right rib cage and sometimes like 2 inches beside my bellybutton on the right. Also, the right side of my neck, feels swollen (not to the touch) just the feeling inside of it being swollen. Any ideas?
More Answers to “Having some pain and curious as to what is causing it?
For your stomach it could simply be cramps from working out too much or you may have some organ just acting a little funny. If it doesn’t go away after 4 or 5 days then call you’re doctor’s office and tell them what’s going on. They’ll tell you what to do from there like what they think it is and if you’ll require an evaluation by your doctor.As for your neck, there’s good chances it’s tendonitis. I’ve had it plenty of times before (especially during swimming season) and I know the symptoms all too well. It isn’t anything too serious but like the stomach problem if it doesn’t go away after a while talk to your doctor. But chances are it’ll go away completely about 3-4 days after you first experienced these symptoms.
Could be appendix which is located approx where you describe to right of belly button and down-where I have my appendix removal scar. Neck could be gland and have connection with the pain you’re feeling but not sure. Could also be something with your intestines for some also in that area or muscle strain/pull who knows for not just one thing possible from what you describe BUT IMPORTANT that you see a doctor for suppose appendix and not treated is life-threatening. Do you feel nausea’s?Anytime there is pain is indication something wrong even if too much gas. Nevertheless only a doctor can tell you and even if minor better be safe than sorry. Best to go to a Emergency Room for have all the equipment etc to find out while just a regular doctor you need to make appt and if he doesn’t have equipment will refer you etc and more time passes without you being properly diagnosed and treated. Don’t wait and Good Luck
I’m sorry I can’t tell you exactly what you’re feeling. I would call an Advice Nurse. do you have Kaiser Permanente or any health coverage that could give you some sort of answer and indicate whether or not it could be serious? How long has it been that way? Any physical exertion? Are you getting sick or feel like you’re coming down with something?Hope you’re okay.
appendicitis? Gallbladder? Mono?
I HAVE NO IDEA BUT YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE A DR. BECAUSETHAT SOUNDS DANGEROUS. Probably nothing but you might want to check with a Dr to make sure.
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