Is there any medicine for fruit allergies?

Q:I have allergies to different fruits (plums, apples, peaches, kiwis, pears, etc) I get different reactions from eating this fruits, but mostly itchy mouth and throat and terrible pain to swallow.
More Answers to “Is there any medicine for fruit allergies?
I am concerned because someone mentioned the usage of anti-histamines. These medications will treat the symptoms of the reaction but they will not stop the allergy. If you indeed have trouble shallowing or with your throat, you should discuss getting an EPI pen from your doctor in case you eat a fruit accidentially.
Welcome to the food allergy club. They say that if anyone offers you a cure, they are just trying to take your money, because they can’t cure it. I hope that you have been to a Dr.I guess that you have tried different antihistamines to stop the reaction.Best of luck!
Any antihistamine will do.
I get the same reaction from the EXACT same fruits. It’s b/c they grow on trees. My allergist says they are not dangerous like nut allergies. They’re just oral allergies b/c they affect the mouth. I just take an antihistamine like benadryl after eating those fruits and it goes away. Try eating canned or frozen fruits, they don’t cause that reaction.
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