Is there any problem in inserting finger in to cervix during clinical examination at the age of12?

Q:My friend underwent a treatment for some vaginal infection during her adolesence .The doctor inserted her finger inside vagina .After that my friend also developed the habit so as yto remove white dicharge . Now she is in confusion wheather it will cause any problem of inertility .She is also doubt about hymen eventhough she is virgin.Now she dont have any health problems..Plz sent your kind and elaborate answer. We are from India.She is hesitating it to ask to a doctor
More Answers to “Is there any problem in inserting finger in to cervix during clinical examination at the age of12?
salsagirl is a smart girl. what she’s shared with you is absolutely correct and should be reassuring to you.i would only like to add that the finger insertion is being done in the vagina, not the cervix. insertion in the cervix WOULD cause serious complications in fertility but you would need medical tools and an anesthetic. the cervix is located rather deep in the vagina. your fingers are not long enough to reach it (normally). inserting your fingers vaginally is no different than intercourse except you’re working with a smaller tool. being a virgin means you have not had intercourse. it has little to do with a tiny stretch of skin. your friend will remain a virgin until the act of sex occurs.
Well it will take something bigger than a finger to break the hymen. So unless you’re friend actually had intercourse, she is a virgin.I don’t think removing the white discharge in that manner will cause infertility. The white discharge is a sign that she has ovulated (so she is fertile). Normally when doctors deal with virgins, they try to avoid anything that might rupture the hymen so as not to traumatize the patient. So I think your friend is alright.You say, you’re from India, and if your concern is because of tradition (like in order to marry she has to be a virgin), know that about 50% of women (perhaps less) actually bleed during first time sex. There are many reasons: maybe the hymen is able to strecth without breaking, maybe it broke during sports, or when she uses tampons.the point is in today’s world, the presence of a hymen is no longer a reliable indicator of someone’s virginity.In any case your friend should still ask the doctor to make sure evrything is ok downthere. If the doctor inserted her finger inside vagina of an adolosenst it is illegal.Doctors vaginally examin young girls only under general anesthesia.If your friend developed a habit it is another way of masturbating.Your psyche and your friend`s psyche is the real problem.Nothing happens to hymen.
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