Slow heart rate & feeling flushed?

Q:After my lunch I return to work, the work is hard and physical, shortly after I resume work I feel flushed, and fatigued Is this normal with anyone have a slowheartMy previous Question:Slow heart rate; 39bpm while resting? Thank for all the replysI have seen my doctor and a further ECG was done and the 2 readings were 41, 43, currently the doctor is putting this down to my work, and lifestyle. I have been asked to go back in couple of months where the test will be done again, and if still around low 40 he will refer me to hospital
More Answers to “Slow heart rate & feeling flushed?
this is really low ( 39 – 41).slow heart beat is called ( Bradychardia) & once its symptomatic like causing dizziness, fainting or tiredness, it needs to be delt should not wait for 2 months but seek a cardilogist as son as possible.are you taking any medications that slow the heart beat like ( Atenolol), beta blocker?athletic people ( & you have a sternous work ) may have slow heart beat too.See another doctor to refer you to a cardiologist.
Personally, I’d check with another doctor.My experiences have proven sometimes another opinion is justwhat I needed!good luck to you
This is a very slow heart rate unless a person is athletic or has other issues. Since you are experiencing symptoms/side effects, I would recommend a second opinion. Is your MD a cardiolgist? If not, I would see one. Some people with slow rates have to have pacemakers to ensure their heart rate is at an acceptable rate.
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