What happens if you eat something that a mouse has bitten into?

Q:1.) Well,Mom sent me a pie and i went in to wash my hands.2.) I walk out a mouse eats a side of my favorite pie.3.) I got the mouse away and blew on the place it ate.4.) Joo guessed it,I ate the pie. I searched for urine,and dropping,i found none,just some chew marks. Pops said that if you share food with a mouse or a rat you’ll get a bad disease.I didn’t believe him due to lack of evidence. Anyways.I shared food with a mouse,Whats going to happen to me?
More Answers to “What happens if you eat something that a mouse has bitten into?
You need to go to the doctor as soon a possible because anything that rat out in his mouth could be in yours like blood from another animal or something tell the doc and get a blood test.
Become a mouseketeer?If the mouse dies, then check with your local health department.
Are you beginning to crave cheese ?Btw.your favorite candy bar has rat hair and other things in it. Enjoy.
You can get typhoid, leptospirosis, or bubonic plague. depends on how clean is your house.
OMG(lol)what country are you living in?it’s fine but you should have maybe at least cut that little part off..it’s just like a fly flying on your food..they are dirty also..they like to linger on poo..disease..i think the chances are low..but you should think about it.pretty nasty.good health to you..
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