What is wrong with my scalp..?

Q:I was laying down last night, and put my hand in my hair. I then notice it was wet, so I I thought I cold wipe it off, but it was still wet, so then I smelled it to see what its was, then I rubbed it on my hand and looked at it to see if it was blood, then I grabed my pair of clippers and cut my hair of in that spot, it was blood red, and damp. So I poured some achohl and porocside on it(it burned like hell), then I wiped it all off, and it was still wet and hurting, so then I put some neospurine on it, and now the wetness has died down, but it is still red..Does anyone know what it is? has anyone had this happen to them?…please help, I dont want to to cut the rest of my hair untill I understand what it is, because I dont want to effect the rest of my head.Also I know my spelling is messed up, so please dont comment on it
More Answers to “What is wrong with my scalp..?
You need to see a dermatologist. Could be something serious. if you live in a humid area,it could be a fungus,i had one in my hair when i was ten,use some antifugus ointment.hope you feel better soon.
the burning was the from the rubbing alcohol. not recommended in open wounds.you probably have a laceration of some sort. Lice? Oh, please go to a doctor!
Never mind your spelling, that’s ok I do understand your question. From my experience, you more than likely scratched your scalp, and did not even realize it. you did not mention what state or country you live in, if it’s hot and humid you would certainly have dried itchy scalp. It could have been there for quite a while and you never bothered, until you probably scratched because it itched and it bleed. It would feel sticky, and wet to the touch, and not have a bad smell, you would just feel like it’s burning and bothering you, and you would constantly be putting your nails on the spot to feel and itch. This aggrevates it, and it swells and burn even more. Don’t be alarmed it clears up after a while, it’s just the top tissue scratched away. So eventually a scab covers it, if it is really bothering you go to the store and get something called scalpercin or continue using the neosporine. Don’t put anything with achocol, it only irrates and burns it, making it even worse. Remember if you feel your scalp itiching don’t scratch, to avoid this dry scalp you can use a number of scalp shampoos. The one that works for everyone is head and shoulders, it works and heals the scalp. Of course you would need to moisterizer your scalp with some kind of oil or moisterizer. I know, we never like to use these things but..it helps. Trust me I know, it’s the change of climate and the weather that causes this, you do need to drink lots of water..Hope this helps, it is a problem to many of us, so don’t worry about this.Your hair would not fall off or anything.!! let me guess u got splashed on the head with something white and gooey?
ummm.do you have dandruff? there is a really bad kind of dandruff called suryouses (i ‘m not sure how to spell it) but, if you iched it really hard (im not sure if you did) then the dry skin can bleed and feel really wet.
Sounds like a vampire bat got a real good suck if you wanna know the truth..better check with your Dr. for a rabies shot..yikes! :):):) no more alcohol- or peroxide- you will kill the new skin cells that are trying to grow. Good to use peroxide the first time to clean it. Polysporin is better than neosporin in this case-( neosporin has some cortizone in it) try not to itch or rub off the scab and let it heal. Why is it there- good question- but it will most likely heal up- if it is not showing improvement in a couple days go to a clinic- have some one take a look at it so they can monitor it for you- it is hard to accurately see things on your scalp- so that is why it is good to have some one medical or not look at it for you.
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