How to Love

I was watching a little girl one day on my way somewhere, and it brought me back to a time and place when I was her age. I remember looking up to my mother obsessing over her beauty, style and ability to tell-it-like-it-is in a single breath. She was the epitome of the type of woman I imagined myself being later in life. Like many young girls, I got the notion to start practicing now rather than grow into this persona. She was a leading lady in my life. The example of how I should conduct myself in public or in private. She held herself to the highest standards and expected we held ourselves to the same level of greatness. She knew we would be watching her and emulating her style. She wasn’t perfect but she respected herself as well as what her children was influenced by.

Springing forward to today, the same little girl I saw made me realize that wasn’t just an idea in my mind but the aspirations of every little girl when it comes to their mother. Yet, so many mothers don’t realize the significance of their role in the lives of their daughters. They expose these young girls to smoking, multiple sexual partners, adult house parties, drug use/abuse, illegal occupations or any lifestyle that suits them – the adult. They never stop to realize that they are indirectly stripping their young daughters of innocence and purity. Blatantly encouraging them to mature quicker and leave their childlike manner behind them. This is not the way a child’s informative years should be. Just like you know your son needs a strong positive male figure in his life, your daughter need an equally strong minded woman to develop all the strengths little girls should have to become fearless ladies. When you become a parent it is time to put your own desires to the side and focus on what is essential in giving your child a balanced childhood even if you never received one. This vicious cycle needs to stop among our young girls. They are not objects. They were created to look pretty and hope a guy will come along and pick her up. She was created to become a leading force in this world capable of inspiring millions and living her best life possible. Ladies, as mothers it is NOW that we must stop making excuses or relying on a child support check in order to be the best parent we could be. Even if you are a single parent and going it alone, you MUST step up to the plate and go hard for the sake of your child. Excuses are for the weak and lies only hold YOU back. Step into your FEARLESSNESS and be a leading lady for yourself and your child.

-April Sheris

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