How to Perform a Powerlifting Squat

The squat is widely regarded by competitive powerlifters as the king of all exercises, and with good reason. Few exercises require as much muscular coordination and target as much muscle mass simultaneously. The powerlifting-style squat in particular is effective because it’s purpose is to allow the lifter to handle as much weight as they are capable of, as safely as possible. If your current program does not include the powerlifting squat, you might be depriving yourself of some strength gains.

Unrack The Weight

A strong squat starts with a clean unrack. Before you even step under the bar, make sure the barbell is set in the rack at about chest height. Step under the weight and place your upper back (not your neck) against the center of the bar. Keeping your head up and your lower back arched. Stand up with the weight. Next, take three steps back, setting your feet at shoulder width in the process. Lift your chin so you are looking straight ahead of you before you begin the squat.

The Decent

Start the squat by pushing your hips backwards. Immediately after your hip joint begins to flex, bed your knees. Continue pushing your hips back until your hip joint is parallel with the top of your knee. At no time should your knee pas in front of your toes. If your knees do have a tendency to drift forward, try pushing them out the the sides as you descend. Keep your chin up through the entire descent.

The Ascent

As soon as you’ve reached parallel, stand back up by pushing your hips forward. You should still have your chin up, especially if the lift becomes hard. When you’ve reached a standing position, allow a moment to stabilize before beginning another repetition.

Rack The Weight

Following your last repetition, you will need to return the bar to the rack. Take three steps forward until you’ve made contact with the rack. When you sure the weight is over the rack, slowly descend until the weight is safely in the rack.

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