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Are mexicans the cause of the swine flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are mexicans the cause of the swine flu”,you can compare them.

Even though H1N1 seems to have originated in Mexico, it cannot be blamed on the Mexican people. Have a good day. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/are-mexicans-the-cause-of-the-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “Are mexicans the cause of the swine flu
Are mexicans the cause of the swine flu
Even though H1N1 seems to have originated in Mexico, it cannot be blamed on the Mexican people. Have a good day.
What is it about manure that may have caused the outbreak swine f…?
“Residents suggest that the outbreak was triggered by the bacteria and flies held in “manure lagoons”” Although, not yet confirmed by experts as to whether the “manure lagoons” at “megafarms” in Mexic…
How Many Deaths Has The Swine Flu Caused In New Mexico?
Bacteria are the most common cause of pneumonia. However, pneumonia can also be caused by viruses, fungi, and other agents. It is often impossible to identify the specific culprit. Many bacteria are grouped into one of two large categories …

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Q: My guess is more because of our healthcare system.What do you think?
A: More Illegals will in fact invade the borders of america(north) to find treatment for swine flu. Mexico is not and never will be equipped to deal with a virus of this magnitude. The country would rather force its infected onto US streets rather than attempt to treat them. It’s funny, we now have another burden created south of the border to deal with.
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Q: They are just culturally dirty and filthy down there. That is not fair!
A: Just because we want the border closed has nothing to do with race. WE ARE NOT BIGOTS!
Swine flu : Dont you think the mexicans will try an get into our country since we have better health care?
Q: Think about it, almost 200 people died in mexico from swine flu. dont you think that they may try to get into our country since we are more advanced and have better eco systems and care. Don’t you think this swine flu will cause alot of contreversy and maybe even war. don’t you think it will get alot of problems started
A: Try to get in our country…?!? Are you kidding me… They are already here… ILLEGALLY!!!
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