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How long is it before symptoms appear after being exposed to H1N1

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The estimated incubation period of the H1N1 virus is unknown and could range from 1-7 days, and more likely 1-4 days. Symptoms include cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea and shortness of breath. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-is-it-before-symptoms-appear-after-being-exposed-to-h1n1 ]
More Answers to “How long is it before symptoms appear after being exposed to H1N1
How long is it before symptoms appear after being exposed to H1N1?
The estimated incubation period of the H1N1 virus is unknown and could range from 1-7 days, and more likely 1-4 days. Symptoms include cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea and shortness of breath. Thanks for using ChaCha!
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