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Do you get medication for swine flu

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Yes, certain types of antiviral medications are used to treat the H1N1 flu strain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-you-get-medication-for-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “Do you get medication for swine flu
Do you get medication for swine flu
Yes, certain types of antiviral medications are used to treat the H1N1 flu strain.
Do I have to take anti-viral medication if I’ve got swine flu??
No, you have a choice about whether to take them or not. You can still talk to your GP (over the phone) if you are concerned. In fact, if you have underlying health conditions , you’re pregnant or you’re concerned about a child under 1 you …
What medications are available to treat swine flu infections in h…?
There are four different antiviral drugs that are licensed for use in the US for the treatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. While most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to all four drugs, the…

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Do they give you a different medication depending if it’s swine flu or regular flu?
Q: There’s Tamiflu, and something else. Do you get Tamiflu for one and the other thing for the other?If not, is there a reason for knowing which kind of flu you have, other than for statistical purposes?Not the vaccine, the medication.
A: They told me that they are being treated the same way. In WA they do not even bother to see which it is because the h1 n1 test is so unreliable.Jax had h1n1 (supposedly) and he was given Tami flu (should be same med for regular flu).Scare tactic, I imagine…
Is the swine flu shot worth getting?
Q: I’ve heard more people died last year from the normal flu than H1N1 this year. Also, I heard there has been some “horror stories” of people getting the shot and having severe complications and having to face these problems for the rest of their life. The way I look at it; if you’re healthy and have a good immune system, you should be able to handle it. If you’re elderly or an enfant, than sure, it might be a good idea to get it. Even still, you don’t really want to get it if you have a chance that something is going to go wrong that will stick with you and perhaps make you suffer for the rest of your life. I also heard that the swine flu shot wasn’t even tested before it was released to the public. Why are we the guinea pigs of scientists? Well, so it seems… I don’t feel comfortable getting the H1N1 shot. I believe that if I get it, I would be able to fight it off. Also, my friend was diagnosed a few weeks ago with swine. He was feeling horrible so, he went to the hospital to get it checked out. He was in the waiting room for three and a half hours. Once he finally got in, all the doctor did was look in his mouth, nose and ears and said “Yeah, you have it.” He asked “I have what” the doctor said, “You know, you have IT.” He replied, “Swine flu?” The doctor said, “Well, 80% of the people in the waiting room probably have it. Stay home for five days.”This struck my friend as odd. The test didn’t seem very reliable. I mean, seriously, you would think there would be a more “serious” test for this “serious” flu. Looking in someone’s mouth, nose and ears? No, that’s not enough to tell if someone has the swine, I think. Also, it seemed like the doctor was being kind of odd when it came time to say my friend had swine flu.No wonder why so many people are being diagnosed with swine and as a result, everyone is going crazy over it when they give the statistics of how many people have swine flu. My friend told me he highly doubted he had swine. He wasn’t given any medication or anything, just told to stay home. I bet there’s other people out there that had the same thing happen to them when they were “diagnosed with swine.” It’s probably jus the normal flu or cold! Another point: A high majority of the people who passed away from swine flu had underlying medical conditions. Do you think the swine flu shot is worth getting? I need to make up my mind for sure about whether or not I should get it. Right now, I’m really leaning toward not getting it.
A: Your friend had influenza. The doctor diagnosed it. They used to actually attempt to type which strain, but this costs a lot and most cases were novel H1N1, so there is a good chance he has that strain.They don’t hand out medication to everyone. It is expensive and in limited supply, so they are rationing it to those in higher risk groups or those who have to be hospitalized. Indiscriminately handing out drugs is always a bad idea anyway. That would lead to widespread resistance.True, more people died last year from influenza than this one strain, but the flu season is far from over. That’s like saying less people died in June than last year. While true it means nothing.The H1N1 vaccine was tested as thoroughly as an influenza vaccine. The only difference between it and the other vaccine is the strain used.
H1N1 (swine) flu – if you got swine flu, how long will you have it?
Q: Do you have it for like a week? a couple weeks? how long will you have it for if you don’t get medication? if you do get medication?
A: Well there are several factors that would play a role in this. First would be the severity of the virus that you have. The second would be your overall state of health prior to getting the virus. If you have a weaker immune system or underlying illness it might take longer to get over it. Age also will play a very important role (elderly and infants will have a harder time fighting the infection). But for the majority of healthy adults seem to feel better after 2 to 4 days.
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