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What are the ways you can get swine flu

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The H1N1 flu virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. At this time, it is unknown how easily it can spread between people. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ways-you-can-get-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What are the ways you can get swine flu
What are the ways you can get swine flu
The H1N1 flu virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. At this time, it is unknown how easily it can spread between people. ChaCha!
What are some good ways to get swine flu?
get some dude to fart in your face and see if you come out in rashers !
Is there a way to less likely get the swine flu??
Yes, there are lots and lots of ways. If you know how to prevent normal flu basically you know the answers. If you don’t here are some. Wear a face mask when going public , avoid crowded places , stay away from people you think have , alway…

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I’m going to a popular holiday destination next week, do you think i wil get the Swine Flu? Ways to protect?
Q: I’m going to Gran Canaria next week which is a huge popular holiday destination. What should i do if i get swine flu? How can i protect myself? What should i be looking out for? Should i go at all? Please help, I’m sick with worry.
A: try not to touch you eyes or mouth. wash your hands before eating. breathe in your nose and out your mouth.
What are some ways to prevent catching the swine flu?
Q: What are the best ways to stay healthy and not catch this fast spreading flu?And is it really as bad as people make it out to be?My friend recently went to the hospital to have her apendix taken out and while she was there she asked the doctor about the swine flu and he said that its not as bad as people are saying. He said it is just the same as the regular flu and that if you get medical care you will not die from it. If that is true then why is everyone freaking out over it?And is there a shot you can get to prevent it? What do the doctors tell you if you do get it?
A: it aint that bad. its not that fast spreading and rather the media hyped it up because fear sells. there is no vaccine, however the chances of you catching this strand rather than the standard annual flu vrus are very slim. it is not even proven yet that wearing a silly looking $2 face mask prevent catching anything. people in general are idiots and fear based. media knows it, george w knew it, and both thrive or thrived off that fact. media could pound down your throat anything, remember y2k? bird flu? sars? “terror level red”? africanized killer bees migrating? come on! think for yourself, do the research, and make a decision before you end up on 5 o’clock primetime tv wearing a face mask!
one way the swine flu can spread; my opinion!?
Q: Ok we all know that the swine flu has been spreading lately. But what i ha vent heard of on the news is how exactly this is happening, now i know scientist aren’t sure if coughing and stuff like that can spread this flu, … and oh jeez im babbling k. so here my point dint you guys think its possible for the flu to travel threw the planes? i mean think about, lets go Baku to saturday(april 28.) for a sec. So lets say somebody get on a plane and their and stuff of course they dint think bout the swine flu because it had been to rare only around 18 case a year in the u.s. not only that but the symptoms are basicly the same as the average flu so they dont tink much of it. so the flight has ended they coughed and sneezed all up on the plane chair(yuck) the planes trash is pick and all the things they bascily do after a flight and oh look at the clock, its time for another flight so the plane is boarded and stuff, so somebody sit on the very seat that mr.icky just coughed and sneezed on so their now getting all those nasty little germs so blah blah blah, the flights ended and they now are infected , 3 days later their coughing and sneezing too. so you get it? i know i babbled a lot awhile writing these post but dont blame me im only 14 ! im just saying you never kno the next time you get on a plane you maybe sitting on the very unlucky seat. so give me your opinions and stuff dont be mean about the way i write, i didnt ask for language arts lesson
A: Yes, you could be right.
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