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Does the H1N1 shot contain mercury

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Mercury, which has been proven to cause Autism in children and other neurological diseases, is going to be contained in the H1N1 Flu Vaccine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-the-h1n1-shot-contain-mercury ]
More Answers to “Does the H1N1 shot contain mercury
Does the H1N1 shot contain mercury
Mercury, which has been proven to cause Autism in children and other neurological diseases, is going to be contained in the H1N1 Flu Vaccine.
Are you supposed to get the h1n1 vaccine yearly like the seasonal…?
There is absolutely no benefit to mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin. The only reason they use it is because it is slightly cheaper to put ten vaccine doses in one big vial, than it is to put single doses in 10 vials. The mercury is used to p…
Does the 2009 H1N1 flu shot have mercury in it??
There is no evidence that thimerosal (a mercury preservative in vaccine that comes in multi-dose vials) is harmful to a pregnant woman or a fetus. However, because some women are concerned about thimerosal during pregnancy, vaccine companie…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you think about the H1N1 shot? Are you getting one?
Q: OK so this whole time I was for sure not getting the flu shot or the H1N1 shot. Sounded kinda risky and the shot is new. BUT my doctor was telling me the regular flu shot each year is new also because it’s always for different kinds of flus. Also I heard there is an active and inactive version of the H1N1 shot and pregnant women should get the inactive one that does not contain thimerosal. Some shots contain it and some don’t. And don’t the flu shots contain mercury??? Would it do more harm than good? They say 1 in 3 pregnant women that get swine flu will have to be hospitalized and many die from it! I don’t know what to do. Is the swine flu more dangerous than the other types of flu?Thanks everyone! I don’t think I’m going to get it either. I think baby & I will be healthier without it. I only have 3 months to go and will try to avoid crowded places and wash my hands. 🙂
A: I will not be getting it and even if I was pregnant I would not get it. The swine flu is no worse than the regular seasonal flu (have never gotten the regular flu shot either). The media has been doing a lot fearmongering with pharmaceutical companies fanning the flames. Guess who stands to make billions off of the H1N1 vaccination? Yeah, the big pharma companies. And they have a deal with the government that says they don’t have to be held accountable for any bad side effects, injuries, or illnesses that are a result of their injections. There is no accountability for them so very little testing has been done. In the 70s there was a swine flu scare as well. People got vaccinated and many healthy young adults became handicapped for the rest of their lives.No thank-you! I am working on building my family’s immune system so that when sick season comes around, we will be healthy. And if we do get any kind of flu, a few days in bed is better than a lifetime of sickness due to getting the vaccine.
How do I know if my H1N1 vaccine had mercury in it?
Q: I’ve received different information on the H1N1 vaccine. Some shots have mercury and others don’t? I’ve read that the multi-dose version may contain mercury, but I’m not even sure how what the “multi-dose” version means – or even if that’s what I received?
A: All the multi-dose vials contain 25 mcg of mercury per dose. That’s a large amount of mercury. The single dose vials contain no mercury. The pre-filled syringes contain either no mercury or 1 mcg of mercury. If it is Novartis brand pre-filled syringe, it is 1 mcg. The other brands of pre-filled syringes contain no mercury.Most likely, you got the vaccine from a multi-dose vial containing 25 mcg of mercury per dose, because the majority of the vaccines are from multi-dose vials.The multi-dose vials contain 10 doses. The single dose vials contains one dose. So the multi-dose vials are bigger. Did you see the vial they used? Would you remember what size it was? You can go to a flu shot clinic, look at the vials, and ask whether they are multi dose or single dose. Then you can compare the size to the one that you got the vaccine from.Did you get any paperwork regarding the vaccine when you got it? Can you call the place where you got it?
Should I get the H1N1 vaccine?
Q: I don’t even get a regular Flu shot cause im scared of the side effects. After hearing what Jenny McCarthy had to say about a flu shot..soo is it safe to get a H1n1 shot?im healthy.. but Ive heard of deaths of healthy people getting the vaccine I have to make up my mind by November 2ndAdditional DetailsJenny McCarthys son got a normal flu shot and sometime after that he developed Autism when he didn’t have it beforeshe did research on flu shots they contain mercury, I have also read that the H1n1 has some traces of MercuryI am type one Diabetic. my final answer is leading to a No on the Vaccine what about you?I googled H1n1 vaccine risksit said 2 healthy women from Sweden died 3 days after getting the vaccinemy doctor is a retard (no offence)he’s just stupid but even he says waitfor the next round of vaccines to see whathappens to the people who get theirs on the 2nd even he wont risk it
A: You’ve heard wrong. There is not 1 reported case of anyone worldwide that has died from receiving the vaccine. There are alot of bogus stories out there, but not one legitimate one. Do people die after getting the vaccine? Of course, people die every day. If someone gets the shot and dies 3 days later of a heart attack, does this mean the vaccine caused it? Of course not, they would have died regardless.As far as Jenny McCarthy, her son is autistic, that is sad, however there is absolutely no proof that vaccines cause autism. There are small amounts of mercury in the vaccines. Less than a can of tuna. Do you know how many people immunize their children every year? Millions. How come all the children don’t have autism? You are at a high risk of getting H1N1 being diabetic. Whether you get the vaccine is your choice. Go to credible websites for information. Check out the Centre for Disease Control, or better yet talk to your Dr.
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