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Who was the person who died from the swine flu in the USA

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The 22 month old boy in TX who died from H1N1, was from Mexico City and had several underlying health problems. No name given. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-was-the-person-who-died-from-the-swine-flu-in-the-usa ]
More Answers to “Who was the person who died from the swine flu in the USA
Who was the person who died from the swine flu in the USA
The 22 month old boy in TX who died from H1N1, was from Mexico City and had several underlying health problems. No name given.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is going on with the swine flu?
Q: The media is blowing it way out of proportion and many more people die each year from the regular flu and nothings said about it… Mexico is shutting down pretty much everything even tho only 8 people died in mexico and 1 in the USA and governments world wide are freaking out saying its an epidemic and is gonna cause massive deaths world wide. the 1 person who died in the USA wasnt even an american, just a mexican tourist and possibly illegal immigrant. if this was serious the border would be closed down but obama just said to wash your hands and dont send ur kids to school. at first i thought the media was just using it as a means to freak everyone out and get more ratings but even governments world wide are freaking out. What are the media and government trying to do? cover up something? use it as a means to evoke new laws/policies? im interested in your thoughts.*mexico is shutting down every private business practicethe swine flu acts in the same EXACT way the influenza does, its just that swine flu is more serious
A: As if no one ever gets the flu? Now, we are in a state of crisis. Now, really????I am finding it harder and harder to believe this is little more than a smoke screen. According to O’Bubba , the stimulus has helped create 150,000 jobs? Where? Certainly not in Pontiac, MI where GM announced it will scrap the Pontiac and 21,000 jobs. Certainly not in our local hospital where 150 people were just laid off. Certainly not in the restaurant just up the road which just closed. We have a president who is certainly very popular, but has yet to show me any substance. ) Hence, O’Bubba. remember how popular Bill Clinton was.) So, what do we do?? Blow up the flu bit,. to throw some smoke over the REAL issues. It is only a matter of days before we have a congressional investigation into the flu and I am surprised no one blames the flu on President Bush.
Swine flu… isnt it bizaar…?
Q: Swine flu has become a major issue, for reasons i’m not really sure of, because in the end it’s only flu, and HONESTLY not that many people die from it… but… could it be a money making scheme from the pharmacuitical/medical industries?.. raking in billions of money for this so called Vaccine (we are in a recession)… aside from mexico it’s hit all the major countries and really quickly, like USA, Australia, UK… i dont see poor africa getting all panicy about the swine flu and buying drugs worth millions….hmmm? ALSO if your immune system was left alone to fight swine flu by itself, without the aid of drugs, provided you’re a healthy person who can do this, surely you’re immune system will be stronger?just asking…. i could be wrong… we should all panic…
A: They are overreacting. A lot of it has been promoted by the media trying to get a good news story. They are supposed to report the news, not cause mass panic. The media has blown this way out of proportion. These cable news pundits who are giving 24-hour coverage to this flu are the same folks who had us convinced avian flu was going to end civilization as we knew it a few years back.They’re also the same people who told us West Nile virus was going to become some sort of uncontrollable plague.Of course, as we all know now, nothing close to their dire predictions ever came to pass.There’s a lot of confusion regarding swine flu. Every time someone comes down with the flu, we’re going to need to see whether it’s this new variety. And, of course, plenty of people (especially the immune-compromised) die from plain old flu every year. Respect it. Be cautious about it. Don’t panic about it.Wash your hands often — maybe even carry some hand sanitizer with you. Stay away from people who are sick. Give your immune system a boost by taking vitamins and eating healthy whole foods — and stay away from the cheap, processed carbohydrates and if you’re not feeling well, go and see your doctor.
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